Exhibition Sections:
- Melting and moulding equipment
- Installations for preparation and reconstitution of molding sand
- Moulding machines and machines for core molding
- Quality control equipment and devices
- Non-destructive testing materials and equipment
- Equipment for control of environmental pollution
- Materials and equipment for casting patterns production
- Casting technologies and additional equipment
- Computer utilization
- Castings
- Casting under pressure and in permanent moulds
- Molding
- Precision casting - on wax, gypsum, ceramics models
- Vacuum founding
- Centrifugal vertical and horizontal founding
- Other special types of founding - gravitational, in vacuum
- Heat processing of founding, non-ferrous metal production
- Metal molding:
- technologies and equipment for hammer and press working
- sheet metal production
- highly-precise press working
- design and matrixes, stamps production
- crude processing unit equipment
- sheet metal production and processing
- new technologies and metal molding equipment
- stoves for melting and heat processing
- metals production and blending
- materials transportation
- control and measuring apparatus
- laboratorial equipment
- Furnaces:
- different types of furnaces
- drying apparatus
- modern devices for energy carrier burning
- materials for furnace production
- equipment for waste heat utilization
- furnace control systems and devices
- computer usage