Exhibition sections:
- New methods and equipment for geology and geophisics
- Technologies and equipment for coal, gold, diamonds and other mineral resources production, treatment and working
- Equipment and materials for drilling-and-blasting operations
- Technological transport for coal and personnel transporting. Fuels and lubricants
- Devices and systems of mine atmosphere control. Venting. Safety means
- Power engineering industry:
- turbines and turbine auxiliary equipment
- boilers and boiler auxiliary equipment
- disels and diesel-generators
- heat exchanging apparatuses
- compressors
- electrical motors
- electrical generators and drives
- transformers, converters
- power electronics
- Heating engineering
- Equipment for energy complex (thermal power plants, systems of energy transmission, municipal facilities)
- Organization of energy monitoring for technological installations, equipment and energy transmission
- Automation of production management for energy complex objects
- Boiler, heat exchanging and pumping equipment of boiler rooms and central heating stations
- Electrotechnical equipment and materials
- Engineering of transporting oil-and -gas and fuel pipelines
- Means of emergency repair and fail-safety raising for electrical and heating distributing networks
- Storage facilities and preliminary preparation of fuel and energy resources (gas, fuel oil, coal etc.)
- Systems of emergency life support of industrial and housing objects in extreme climate conditions
- New prospective developments for energy complex needs
- Electrical engineering, cabling and wiring products
- Energy effective and energy saving technologies and equipment
- Industrial safety:
- diagnostics
- expertize
- means of non-destructive control etc.
- Fire fighting machines, safety means
- Overalls
- Building technologies, equipment, materials
- Municipal facilities
- Means of communication and telecommunication
- Computer equipment and software, safety systems