IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

MiningWorld Central Asia - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

the next exhibition Mining and Metals Central Asia - 2025

13th Central-Asian international exhibition and conference "Mountain business, production and mountain equipment"

Date: 19.09.2007 - 21.09.2007 

City: Almaty - information about city

Holder: ITECA

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions


Year Number of exhibitors Countries Number of visitors Gross space Net space Source
2006 160 21 4280 6800 sq. m. 3632 sq. m. Exhibition Auditor "RussCom IT-Systems"
2005 117 23 4283 6500 sq. m. 2722,5 sq. m. Exhibition Auditor "RussCom IT-Systems"

Previous exhibitors: ALTYN AIMAK; ABB Automation Ltd; ABB Industrie AG; ABMEC; ADANI; Alfa Laval; Allenwest Electrical Ltd; Anivi Maquinaria S.A.; Arkbro Industries; Atlas Copco CMT Sweden AB Russia; Atlas Copco Compressor Technique; Bateman Engineering Company Ltd; BELAZ; Boart Longyear GmbH & Co; Bradley Manufacturing (USA) Inc; Bridgestone Corporation; Bumar Ltd; CAMESE; Carl Zeiss; Caterpillar Overseas S.A.; CENTRGEOLSYOMKA; CETCO; CHEBOKSARY AGREGAT PLANT; CHELYABINSK TRAKTOR PLANT; Chevron Chemicals; Chevron Lubricants; Clayton Equipment; Contech Co. Ltd; Continental Industrie; COGEMA: Dakt Engineering; DBT Deutsche Bergbau-Technik GmbH; DIEMME; Dressta Co Ltd; DROBMASH; Dyno Nobel Sweden AB; ТH LARGE ELECTRICAL MACHINES PLANT; ELEKTROKOMPLEKTSERVICE; Еngineering Dobersek GmbH; ZHAIREM ODC; FRITSCH; General Electrics; Geological Survey of Finland (GTK); Geomachine Ltd; Gidrokor; Global Technology Group; Gonar; Goodyear Ltd; HILTI - Leica; Hitachi Construction Machinery Co.; Ingersoll-Rand European Sales Ltd; Intereng Messtechnik GmbH; InterTech Corporation; Intertel Group of Companies; Joy Mining Machinery; KAZZINC JSC; Kemira Chemicals Oy; KOMATSU; KRASNIY YAKOR; KRIVOY ROG MINING EQUIPMENT PLANT; Krupp AG Hoesch; Krupp Fordertechnik GmbH; Labset; Larox Group; Liebherr - Export AG; LUGANSK MACHINERY PLANT NAMED AFTER PARKHOMENKO; MAN TAKRAF Fordertecnik GmbH; Manpower; Marubeni Corporation; MATADOR a.s.; Mitsui & Co Ltd; National Seal Company; Netzsch Geraetebau GmbH; Newage Norge AS; Nokian Tires Oy; Normet Corporation ; Normet Orion Corporation; NOVOKRAMATORSKI MACHINERY PLANT; NOVOSIBIRSK INSTRUMENT; Thermotechnik; Outokumpu Mintec Oy; Outokumpu Technology Oy; Pajari Instrument Ltd; Petrolube Ltd; Phoenix Geophysics Limited; PPM-Systems; Projecterung und Anlagenbau GmbH Bautzen; PROMTRAKTOR; RALOT LTD; RIVS; Robit Rocktools Ltd. Oy; Rockmore International GmbH; ROSENERGOKOMPLEKT; ROSRESURSY AND CO; RUDGORMASH; Sandvik Tamrock Oy; Semperit Technische Produkte GmbH; SEREBRYANSK PLANT OF NON ORGANIC PRODUCTION; SGS Vostok Ltd; Sika AG - Tunneling & Mining; Skochinski Mining Institute; Sulzer Pumps; Tamfelt Corporation; Technopribor; Teknikum Oy; TENROSIB; Terex Mining; Thyssen Polysius AG; ThyssenKrupp AG; Tip Top Stahlgruber; URALMASH; Wirtgen International GmbH and many others...


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