Exhibition Sections:
- Metallurgy:
- equipment for metallurgy, metal powder industry, raw materials and technologies, refractory bricks
- founding and foundry equipment
- surfacing process solutions
- equipment for metal waste processing, equipment for packaging, marking and weighing of production
- machine tools, instruments and technologies for metalcutting, abrasives
- robot machines and automation, control and measuring instruments, PCS
- welding, welding equipment and technologies
- metal products (pipes, fixture, metalware)
- technologies of age-hardening and retention of metals, anticorrosive protection
- services on technologic diagnostics
- equipment for steel services centers, store rooms
- Equipment in mining and smelting industry:
- mining machinery and equipment
- load-haul-dump machines, transport carriers (lifts, conveying belts, underground loading machines and trucks, mine electric locomotives)
- supporting machines and equipment
- instruments and equipment for mining work, instruments of carbide material, abrasives, diamond tools
- repair and modernization of manufacturing equipment, technical diagnostics
- drilling technique and blasting agents
- appliances and equipment for stress and strain state of mountain group, appliances and equipment for natural ecosystems condition control
- explosionproof electric machinery
- Mineral-processing equipment and technologies
- Control and measuring instruments, laboratory equipment for monitoring of processes in mining, beneficating and metallurgical production
- New methods and new equipment for geology and geophysics, prospect and extraction of commercial minerals:
- new technologies, methods and forms in mining industry by commercial minerals underground processing
- modern equipment for technical processes in mining industry and effective methods of its use
- instruments on underground air control
- technologies of collection and purification of mine water from POL
- instruments on control of deformation process in rock mass
- instrumentation and automation apparatus in mining industry in real time
- modern equipment for preparation of cryosolic maps of building area, for deep test of location and real condition of pipes and pier foundation
- methods and means for geodetic measurement in space-limited environment (crawlway) in the absence of direct optical visibility during surveillance over displacement building constructions
- Methods and means of economic problems solutions in mining industry, development of management and arrangement of mining works
- Equipment for oil and gas industry
- Tubular products, anticorrosive protection of pipeline, pipeline accessories
- Construction equipment, technologies and construction materials
- Products of chemical industry
- Equipment for power complex (TPP, power transmission systems, public service)
- Power and resources saving technologies:
- methodological and work benches of energy audit of industrial and municipal enterprises
- control and records of power consumption in industrial and municipal sectors
- modernization and improving efficiency of powerfull technologic productions and installations of metallurgy power industry enterprises
- management and technical means of process losses reclamation in sectoral industries
- wastes utilization of industrial and municipal sectors of big city-forming industrial complexes
- information and control methods of rational energy usage
- scientific and technical politics and advanced developments in the field of power and resources saving
- automated systems of power sources revenue metering (regulatory documents, instrumentation pool, software and wardware tools, realization examples)
- Technologies and equipment for ecology:
- collection and purification of mine water, in wider spectrum of wastes (not only from POL)
- technologies for water treatment of drinking quality
- waste disposal of industrial and municipal sectors of mining enterprises activity
- Protection means and work clothes
- Telecommunications
- Computer equipment and software