Venue: Moscow, SK Olimpiisky
Nearly 8 years have passed since the launch of the Protection, Security & Fire Safety exhibition. Much has occurred in this time, including the crisis followed by advancement and expansion of Russian business, but every April MIPS musters all the leaders of the security industry. Not only is today's MIPS simply a leading trade show, but it is also one of the most important security/fire safety events in Eastern Europe.
Exhibition Sections:
- Burglar Alarms
- Domestic Intruder Alarm Equipment
- Movement Sensors & Detectors, Control Panels Barriers
- Centralised Alarm Systems
- Receivers and Control Equipment
- Sound Alarms
- Auxiliary Equipment
- CCTV and Surveillance Systems
- Cameras / Lenses
- Control TV/Video Equipment
- ТV Monitoring/Slow scan
- Special Optics, Night Vision and Thermal Image equipments
- Digital Cameras
- Multiplexers
- Equipment for Receiving, Digitising, Visualising and recording TV signals, Monitors
- Access Control
- Access Control Systems
- Intercoms
- ID Cards
- Proximity Cards, Card Readers, data Collection and Management Systems
- Locks and Bolts -Mechanical/Electric
- Key Cabinets
- Turnstiles
- Biometric systems
- Patrol service/ VNOS
- Fire Safety
- Control Panels
- Fire extinguishing substances, compounds
- Emergency Exits
- Alarms/Sounders
- Detectors-Fire/Temperature/Smoke
- Self-contained detectors
- Fire & Heat Resistant Doors & Panels
- Fire Monitoring Systems
- Fire & Heat Resistant materials/coatings/constructions
- Storehouses of inflammable liquids
- Automated Fire-fighting systems
- Fire and Explosion Resistant Equipment
- Fire-fighting tools & Equipment
- Breathing apparatuses, Life Support Systems, Fire & Heat Resistant Suits
- Robots
- Anti-Terrorist and Custom Equipment
- Security Constructions
- Safes, Containers and Special cabinets
- Gates/Fences/Grills
- Perimeter Protection, Barriers
- Security Doors/ Shutters
- Break Glass Detection
- Glass/Screens/Mirrors
- Tambours
- Cash Machines, Bankomats
- Security & Safety Lighting
- Counter Measures Against Industrial Espionage
- Protection of the Processing, Compiling and Distribution of the Information
- Means of protection against not authorized access
- Computer Network Security
- Anti-virus means
- Security Hardware for the Computers
- Control consoles
- Cryptography
- Shielded premises/computer cables
- Integrated Systems / R & B for Security Systems
- Building Management Systems
- Design and Installation of the Integrated Systems
- Control Panels
- Environment Systems
- Communication and Public Hazard Warning Systems
- Portable, Mobile and Stationed Radio Transmitters/Receivers
- Tracking Devices/Systems
- Automated Communication centers for Offices and Conference Systems
- Recording Communication Equipment
- Public Hazard Warning Loud -speaking Systems
- Radio-transmitting Alarms
- Personal Security/Protection
- Special Clothes, Footwear and Uniforms
- Nurse Call Systems/Central Emergency Panel
- Individual Protection Equipment (Vests, Gas Masks, Respirators)
- Special vehicles
- Armoured Cars and 4X4's
- Equipment for special vehicles
- Civil defence
- Rescue and Emergency Equipment and Transport
- Pumps and compressors
- Hydraulic and pneumatic rescue instruments and equipment
- Ambulances, First Aid & Emergency Equipment
- Radio communication of a SV-range
- Means of protection of documents, products and the goods from falsification and fakes
- Access Control
- Biometry
- Insurance
- Labour safety