CleanExpo Урал -2025

MomaParty "Freedom Day" - 2020

Attention! The event is over.

Festival for Expectant and Young Mothers

Date: 29.08.2020 - 29.08.2020 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Mamapaty

Topics: Consumer Goods, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments


Venue: Event Hall Danilovsky

"MomaParty" festival combines the format of the exhibition and event, helping brands to effectively interact with the target audience in a holiday atmosphere.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Exhibition-fair
  • Lecture hall and School for moms
  • Master classes
  • Show program on the main stage
  • Competitions and activities with the participation of guests
  • The Partners stand quest and drawing of prizes

Additional information:
