Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Nature, hunting & hunting trophies - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

3rd International Exhibition

Date: 02.12.2004 - 05.12.2004 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MAXIMA Inc.

Topics: Natural Resources, Sport, Tourism, Hobbies and Entertainments


Topics of the exhibition

History and traditions of hunting and hunting industry development in Russia.

Environment protection:
Advanced scientific developments, nature protection programs and measures aimed at the preservation and restoration of natural and animal resources of Russia, the latest achievements of the hunting research science.

Hunting trophies:
trophies, accessories, tools and compounds for the treatment and preparation of trophies, skins, horns.

Fair of hunting firms, companies, agencies, hunting preserves:
sale of hunting and tourist equipment, accessories, tourist services, equipment lease, training, souvenirs, consulting, special feed, etc.

Hunting, sport and collector's arms:
Hunting and sport rifles, small-caliber (hand) arms, gas and signal pistols, arches, arbalests and accessories for archery, arms' components and mechanisms, barrels, magazines, telescopic attachments, aiming frames (sights), racks for rifles storage, bore cleaning means, oils and lubricants, engraving.

Hunting ammunition:
cartridges for rifles, cartridges for small-caliber arms, gas and signal cartridge cases, ammunition for firearms and pneumatic arms, for arms charged from the muzzle, pyrotechnical means and accessories, components of re-charging units.

Hunting cold arms:
hunting knives, knives for tourism, multifunctional traveling tools, swords, cold arms maintenance and sharpening equipment.

Optics and optic devices for hunting and sport arms:
binoculars, field glasses, optic sights for rifles, optic view-finders, tripods, other optic instruments and devices for hunting and shooting types of sport.

Fishing accessories and special equipment:
trophies and compounds for preparation of trophy exhibits; clothes and outfit for fishing; boats, accessories, devices and equipment for sport and amateur fishing; control-measuring equipment; fishing equipment and accessories; preparation tables, smoke-houses; special preparation equipment and tools; industrial fish breeding and special facilities for fish breeding and selection; aquariums: water treatment compounds and water treatment facilities, fishing tourism.

Hunting and tourist equipment, associated equipment:
hunting lodges and items of their equipment, tents, sheds, umbrellas, bags, boxes, rucksacks, heaters for traveling, flasks, lamps, compasses, altitude meters, camouflage accessories, traps, catching devices, accessories and equipment for keeping hunting animals, equipment for mobile veterinary units, instruments and means of radio navigation.

Special motor vehicles and other means of transportation for hunting tourism:
four-wheel drive vehicles and cross-country vehicles, snowmobiles, motor boats, boats, sleds, etc.

Special clothes and outfit for hunting and tourism:
Functional hunting and sport and tourist clothes, shirts, blouses, scarves, boots, high boots, gloves, belts and other accessories of traveling equipment.

Hunting tourism:
Russian and foreign hunting tourist programs on various types of hunting and territorial-climatic zones.

Feeds and accessories for keeping dogs and birds of hunting varieties:
feeds, goods for dogs, medicines, birdseeds and equipment for keeping hunting birds, devices for birds protection, etc.

Sport shooting:
control equipment, flags, shooting galleries, fire ranges, clothes for shooting, targets, sport shooting arms, prizes, protective clothes, boxes for arms.

Means of self-defense:
gas containers, protective accessories and clothes, holsters for weapons, signaling equipment, portable boxes for rifles, etc.

Special literature:
specialized publications, training and reference literature on the exhibition subjects.

Works of art:
paintings, graphic art objects, sculptures, handicrafts, etc.


Additional information:
