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NDT Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

9th International Specialized Exhibition and Conference of Devices and Equipment for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry

Date: 17.03.2010 - 19.03.2010 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK company, office in St. Petersburg

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions

"NDT Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry - 2010" exhibition news, 09-Feb-2010

Announce: 9th International Specialized Exhibition and Conference of Devices and Equipment for Non-destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry "NDT RUSSIA - 2010" will be held on March 17-19 at SC "Olimpiysky" (Moscow).

The 9th International Specialized Exhibition and Conference of Devices and Equipment for Non-destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry "NDT RUSSIA - 2010" will be held on March 17-19 at SC "Olimpiysky" (Moscow).

The "Non-destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics in Industry" event is considered to be "the first priority project in the Moscow municipal programs and aimed at solving the most important sociological and city territory developing issues". It is included in the list of exhibitions, which are held in 2010 under the auspices of Moscow Government.

"NDT RUSSIA" is one of the most significant events in the sphere of non-destructive testing, which makes the exhibitors and visitors familiar with national and foreign equipment models for non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics in industry. The business program allows the exhibitors to find possible solutions to actual problems of industrial safety.

Main exhibition sections::

  • Technogenic diagnostics
  • Environmental diagnostics
  • Antiterrorist diagnostics
  • Laboratory control

Despite the complicated economic situation, the "NDT RUSSIA" exhibition continues to be rapidly developing and relevant for industry leaders. One of the major reasons for this - high buying potential of the exhibition. According to the "NDT RUSSIA - 2009" statistics, over 85% of the visitors are in charge of decision making and 55% are willing to invest significant sums in purchasing equipment and services. Moreover, the exhibition tends to have practical, rather than scientific nature, and that is of particular value for both the exhibitors and expert-visitors.

During the "NDT RUSSIA - 2010": exhibition:

  • "PPM-Systems" Ltd. will demostrate Vidisco unique, alldigital portable radiographic systems foX-Rayzor/Flat fox-17 and Stresstech Group equipment - the world leader in the field of non-desructive quality inspection
  • "Sonic Control Systems" Ltd. will show modernized thickness meters À1208 and À1209, which have already won customers' loyalty, and other up-to-date equipment for ultrasonic testing of metall, plastics and concrete
  • The "Votum" company will present innovative solutions for aviation, railway and machine-building industries, that is: robotic system ÍÊ, combined control methods - ultrasound, eddy current, laser scanning
  • "HIMINST Ltd. will show equipment for sample preparation in materials technology, that is: cutoff and abrasive machines; PRESI S.A. electro-hydraulic presses for sample pressing; OLYMPUS microscopes, display and image analysis systems; expendable materials and chromatographic tools; spectrophotometric equipment
  • The "Interunis" company - the developer and producer of modern high-quality solutions for non-destructive testing and industrial facilities automation will demonstrate systems for complex diagnostic monitoring of hazardous facilities, and sonic emissive equipment

All this and much more can be seen at the exhibition.

Business program:

  1. Roundtable discussions: "Beam Arrays in Non-destructive Testing", "Vibration-based Diagnostics in Power Engineering" and "Penetrants. Current Condition and Growth Prospects."
    organizer: Russian Non-destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics Society (RNTTDS)
  2. The seminars "Metrological Support of NDT Methods" and "Application of NDT Methods in Engineering Control"
    organizer: Administration of Technical Regulation and Metrology
  3. Seminars on technical diagnostics and non-destructive testing
    organizers: Expert organizations, Uralian Certification Center and "TechNADZOR" magazine
  5. The seminar "Modern Devices and Non-destructive Testing Technologies"
    organizer: Industrial Association in the field of technical diagnostics "Mega"
  6. Exhibitors' seminars:
    - "Multifunctional Complex - Roboscope VT3000" ("Votum" company)
    - "Vibration Diagnostics as a Means of Machinery Maintenance Based on the Actual State" ("VAST Association" Ltd.)
  7. Exhibitors' presentations:
    - "Means of Non-destructive Testing in Building and Road Industries" (NPP "INTERPRIBOR")
    - "Advanced Production Equipment" (CJSC "Constanta")
  8. The "Innovation in NDT" competition, presenting latest achievements and developments in non-destructive testing

The "NDT RUSSIA - 2010" project is carried out concurrently to the International Exhibition "Measuring Equipment and Industrial Automation - MERATEK", which demonstrates up-to-date technical diagnostics and testing equipment.

Year after year the events contribute to the development of non-destructive testing industry, faciliating the use of modern high technologies in development, production, adaptation and operation of innovative diagnostic and laboratory equipment, which in turn leads to increasing the safety and reducing the accidents rate at hazardous production and socially significant facilities.


Additional information:
