Äåíòàë-ýêñïî. Ñàìàðà - 2025
NDT Russia - 2025

Intekprom Energy & Automation Food - 2019

Attention! The event is over.

Russian Conference "Energy Efficient Technologies and Automation in the Food Industry"

Date: 19.11.2019 - 19.11.2019 

City: Ekaterinburg - information about city

Holder: "Intekprom" LLC

Topic: Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Hotel "Hyatt Regency"

The progress of modern domestic food enterprises in Russia is impossible without the introduction of energy-efficient and high-tech production processes. To implement energy efficiency projects, it is necessary to exchange experience among key players in the food industry to develop a unified strategy with maximum efficiency. The conference is intended to become a comfortable place for discussing key issues in the development of the food industry.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Steam condensing systems. Balance analysis and optimization
  • Use of heat pumps and other types of energy-efficient systems from renewable energy sources
  • The use of energy sources with highly effective thermodynamic cycles
  • Energy-efficient cooling systems: modernization of refrigeration equipment
  • Creation of integrated systems for the registration of energy resources and telemechanics
  • Actual tasks in the issue of robotization of food production. Transition to hands-off manufacturing. MES systems
  • Installations in industrial boiler plants turbogenerators of gaspiston generators of low power
  • Improving the energy efficiency of refrigeration processes: optimizing the operation of compressor stations, using efficient heat exchange equipment
  • Improving energy efficiency through the introduction of modern ventilation equipment. Ventilation control systems
  • Effective lighting systems. Lighting control systems
  • Optimization of drive technology: use of reactive power compensation devices, implementation of modern energy efficient drives
  • Modern industrial computers


Additional information:
