Exhibition Sections:
- Mineral resources for nuclear industry - from prospecting, exploration and mining to ready natural component of uranium.
- Machinery and technologies for operation of uranium deposits
- Nuclear power plants - materials and equipment, process modeling
- Nuclear power plant management during operation
- New nuclear power plants
- Small-size land, underground and submarine nuclear power plants
- Control equipment for NPP reactors
- Assembly, adjustment and putting into operation, operational equipment
- Special technological equipment and fittings for nuclear fuel cycle facilities, nuclear power plants, desalting units
- Nuclear reactors and units
- Reactors for transport
- Testing reactors of different types and purpose
- Equipment for analyzing material content by nuclear physical, mass spectrometer, laser and other methods
- Equipment for non-destructive testing of materials and products
- Sensors, instruments and equipment for control and diagnostics of equipment condition
- Measuring and computer equipment
- Analyzers and meteorological equipment
- Isotope products
- Materials resistant to aggressive media; materials for roentgen protection
- Construction and special ceramics
- Remote control and robotic servicing systems
- Special construction materials
- New materials, machinery and technologies based on conversion of nuclear industry enterprises:
- silicon
- fuel and energy complex
- microelectronics
- electrical equipment
- high-efficiency cutting tools
- newest technological equipment for agricultural complex including for modernization of dairy industry