CleanExpo Урал -2025
Интеграция - 2025

Sakhapromekspo - 2017. Subsurface Resources of Yakutiya. Specialized Machinery. Ecology. Gasification

Attention! The event is over.

7th Interregional Specialized Exhibition

Date: 24.10.2017 - 26.10.2017 

City: Yakutsk - information about city

Holder: SibExpoService

Topic: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry


Venue: Sports palace "50 years of Victory"

Exhibition Sections:

  • Mining and exploiting of oil and gas fields. Equipment for drilling, building of wells and pipelines, mining oil and gas. New technologies and equipment of storage, transport, processing and distribution of natural gas and oil
  • New methods and equipment for geology and geophysics. Accessories for geodetic equipment. Solutions for engineering survey. Geophysical equipment. Research and modeling of the terrain. Data of the earth remote sensing. Geoinformation systems. Related services and equipment
  • Service when searching and exploration of oil fields, designing and construction of wells
  • Equipment for main pipelines, pipeline armature, protection of pipelines against corrosion. Pumps, compressor equipment
  • Information support and automation of processes of extraction and preparation of oil and gas for transportation. Control and measuring devices
  • Construction of facilities for oil-extracting, oil refining, gas and chemical industry. Camps, mobile buildings and structures, autonomous energy sources. Monitoring systems, communication systems
  • Mining of metal ores. Other mining operations. Equipment, machines and mechanisms, accessories, vehicles, technology and services for mining industry, industry associations
  • Resource and energy-saving technologies in mining and mineral processing, equipment modernization. Solution of the problem of associated gas. Oil and gas processing and petrochemistry. Equipment and technologies
  • Special technologies and materials for work in conditions of the North. Heat supply and heat insulation. Power equipment
  • Vehicles. Cargo and special machinery
  • Environmental protection and ecological safety. Complex processing of raw resources, utilization of industrial and solid domestic waste. Wastewater treatment and the handling of sewage sludge. Prevention of pollution of air environment. Rehabilitation of contaminated territories and water areas
  • Industrial safety. Labor protection and safety, overalls, protection means. Communications, telecommunications and alarm. Fire-fighting equipment

Additional information:
