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OGU - 2006

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The 10th International Oil and Gas Exhibition and Conference

Date: 16.05.2006 - 18.05.2006 

City: Tashkent - information about city

Holder: Iteca Exhibitions

Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


"Oil and Gas - 2004" Fact File
More then 80 worldwide companies from 12 countries participated at the 8th International Oil and Gas Exhibition in 2004 in Uzbekistan.
10,000 visitors from Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries and Kazakhstan have visited Oil and Gas 2004 exhibition.
Official support: The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, The Ministry of External Economic Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, NHC "Uzbekneftegaz".

Ogu previous exhibitors: Beicip-Franlab; Bentec; Bateman; British Airways; Cptdc; Chelyabinsk Tube Plant; Denton Wilde Sapte; Dressta; Resser-Rand; Electroschit; Elga Asia; Energomash; Encom; Enispa; Gidromashservice; Input / Output; Intereng; Interpipe; Himreaktiv; Honeywell; Lukoil; Metallurg; Motorsich; Omk; Oil Technologies; Power Machine; Samara Volgomash; Sanar; Seba; Sersel; Shell; Sofregaz; Sumy Frunze Npo; Tashelectroschit; Tmk; Truboizolyatsia; Trinity Energy; Uzbekneftegaz; Uztransgas; Uzneftepererabotka; Uzgeoneftegazdobycha; Uzburneftegaz; Uzneftegazstroy; Uznefteproduct; Uzneftemash; Uralaz; Yuvis; Volgaburmash; Zeromax; Zavodoukovsky Machine Building Plant.


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