ПромтехЭКСПО - 2025
Ярмарка недвижимости. Весна - 2025

Oil. Gas. Chemistry - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

the next exhibition Oil and Gas. Chemistry. Fuel and Energy Complex - 2025  - Participation

12th International Exhibition of Technologies and Equipment for Oil, Gas, and Chemical Industry

Date: 26.10.2010 - 29.10.2010 

City: Perm - information about city

Holder: Perm Expo Exhibition Association

Topics: Natural Resources, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Exhibition Complex "Perm Fair"

Exhibition goals:

  1. Acquaintance of the specialists of the field with the newest technologies and equipment for extraction, transportation and processing oil and gas
  2. Assistance for developing oil and gas and chemical field of the regions of Ural, Volga region, West Siberia through the consolidation of business relations between enterprises of the branch and suppliers of equipment and technologies
  3. Assistance for developing and usage of innovative technologies in manufacturing and in managment on the enterprises of the field

Exhibition Sections:

  • Oil and gas field geology and geophysics
  • Oil and gas field operation
  • Equipment and technologies for oil and gas industry
  • Extraction processes automation and preparation of oil and gas for transportation
  • Transportation, collection, preparation and storage of oil, oil products and gas
  • Safety systems and fire-prevention technology
  • Environment protection
  • Products of oil and gas refining
  • Corrosion protection of pipeline equipment
  • New chemical reagents, chemical materials and processes in oil and gas industry
  • Modern technology and engineering in geological oil and gas researches
  • Modern technology and engineering for oil-processing and petrochemistry
  • Technologies and equipment for chemical industry
  • Production of plastics, polymers and rubber

Additional information:
