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Oil and Gas. Chemistry - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

the next exhibition Oil and Gas. Chemistry. Fuel and Energy Complex - 2025  - Participation

16th Specialized Exhibition of Modern Technologies and Equipment for Oil, Gas and Chemical Industries

Date: 14.10.2014 - 17.10.2014 

City: Perm - information about city

Holder: Perm Expo Exhibition Association

Topics: Natural Resources, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Exhibition Complex "Perm Fair"

Oil and gas industry of the Perm Territory combines the whole oil and gas line from geologic explorations to sale of finished oil products. The territory lies in 8th place in oil production in the country. However experts estimate the natural resources of the region as difficult of extraction. In this connection the regional companies need innovative technologies and modernization of equipment.

The exhibition "Oil and Gas. Chemistry" is one of the largest regional projects in the industry.

For companies of the Perm Territory the exhibition "Oil and Gas. Chemistry" is the main platform for estimation of current trends and new solutions. According to research results 95 % of specialists of the regional industry visit this exhibition and do not attend the exhibitions of the same subject in other regions.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Advanced technology, equipment and materials for the oil-refining and petrochemical industries
  • Equipment for the oil and gas field development
  • Equipment for collection, transportation and storage of oil, oil products and gas
  • Automated process and production control systems
  • Piping and shutoff valves
  • Control and measuring devices and equipment
  • Analytical and laboratory equipment and materials
  • Pumps, compressors, drives and motors
  • Design and construction of the oil, petrochemical and, gas facilities
  • Petrochemical and chemical products
  • Technology and equipment for the environmental, industrial, fire and security of enterprises, labor protection

Specialized section "Chemistry".


Additional information:
