Рос-Газ-Экспо - 2025

OilGasService - 2013

Attention! The event is over.

International Specialized Exhibition of Equipment, Technologies and Materials for Oil and Gas Industry

Date: 06.11.2013 - 08.11.2013 

City: Ufa - information about city

Holder: BashEXPO

Topics: Natural Resources, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Ice Palace "UFA-ARENA"

Exhibition Sections:

  • Oil and gas field geology and geophysics
  • Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas industry
  • Automation of the oil and gas production and transportation processes
  • Oil and gas collection, transportation, storage
  • Oil and gas processing products
  • Pumps, compressors, drives, engines
  • Security systems and fire-fighting equipment
  • New chemical materials and chemical processes in the oil and gas industry
  • Tubular goods, shutoff and control valves
  • Automated management systems
  • Analytical and laboratory equipment, devices and materials
  • Technologies and machinery for petroleum processing and petroleum chemistry
  • Equipment and technologies for chemical industry
  • Anticorrosion protection of equipment and pipelines
  • Ecology, environmental protection
  • Information support and software

Additional information:
