Venue: Exhibition pavilion of OJSC Tomsk International business centre "Tekhnopark"
Exhibition Goals:
- Showing of new materials, high technologies, investment processes and innovative projects
- Assistance to expansion of trade, development of scientific potential, sectoral scientific agenda for oil and gas complex
- Perfecting of marketing system and logistical support of oil and gas complex
Exhibition Sections:
- Exploration and production of oil and gas:
- oil-field geology and geophysics; exploratory and prospecting drilling
- enhanced oil recovery techniques
- machines and equipment for oil and gas production: special-purpose machines, equipment, mechanisms, tools, accessories
- communication facilities
- Transportation and storage of oil and gas:
- technology and equipment for gathering, primary treatment, transportation and storage of oil and petrochemicals
- technology of production, transportation, storage and use of the liquefied natural gas and associated gas
- pipeline transportation; construction, development, reconstruction and operation of the oil-and-gas pipelines
- Oil and gas processing:
- technology, equipment and devices for primary and advanced processing of crude hydrocarbons
- chemical materials and processes
- products of oil processing, oil and gas chemistry; plastics
- sales of oil, petrochemicals and gas
- sales techniques and organization
- storage facilities
- Refueling stations, natural gas fueling stations, gas-filling stations
- Production and delivery of the oil-and-gas equipment, automation equipment:
- machinery and equipment for development of the oil and gas fields
- equipment, technology, materials, instruments for all types of welding, metal and plastic cutting
- production and metrological service of the control and measuring equipment in the fuel and energy complex
- equipment for laboratory investigations in the oil-and-gas industry: furniture, glassware, tools, reagents
- Oil-and-gas construction and development:
- construction of facilities for the oil, gas and oil-refining industry
- equipping of facilities for the oil, gas and oil-refining industry, and for social infrastructure
- Mineral resources:
- technology, equipment and devices for exploration, production, beneficiation, transportation and processing of the iron ore, non-ferrous metals, non-metallic mineral resources, turf
- Research efforts for the fuel and energy complex
- Energy- and resource-saving technology, energy security in the fuel and energy complex
- Environmental protection. Reclamation technologies and equipment. Security systems, fire safety. Work wear and safety shoes
- Financial, legal services for the oil and fuel complex