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Oil & Gas - 2002

Attention! The event is over.

6th International Specialized Exhibition of the Oil and Gas Industry

Date: 28.10.2002 - 31.10.2002 

City: Kiev - information about city

Holder: ACCO International

Topics: Natural Resources, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Ukraine, Kiev, Exhibition Centre "ACCO INTERNATIONAL"

Organizers of the exhibition:

  • The Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine
  • National Joint-Stock Company "Naftogaz of Ukraine"

    The exhibition "OIL & GAS 2001" were attended by 10000 visitors, 90 % of whom compounded specialists of oil & gas and adjoining industries.

    Activity directions of exhibitors in percentage:

    1. Equipment for oil & gas and electric power industries - 18 %
    2. Controlling and metering devices - 12 %
    3. Other - 10 %
    4. Equipment for oil & gas storage and transportation - 8,5 %
    5. Automation and software - 7,1 %
    6. Componentry for equipment and pipelines - 6,5 %
    7. Engineering - 6 %
    8. Oil refinery products sale - 4,5 %
    9. Oil and gas fields exploration, oil and gas production - 5,1 %
    10. Devices for oil & gas industry - 5,1 %
    11. Distribution and transportation of oil and gas, nets - 4,7 %
    12. Marketing, consulting, information services - 4 %
    13. Oil & gas refinery products manufacturing - 4 %
    14. Oil and oil products transportation - 2,5 %

    Actuality and importance of last exhibition is also confirmed by the fact that within the framework of this event the Conference "Ukraine - reliable energy bridge between West and East" was held, issues concerning the development of crude-oil-and-gas complex of Ukraine, energy carriers transit through the territory of Ukraine to European countries, diversification of Caspian oil transportation routes to the countries of Europe and commencement of running of the Ukrainian part of the Euro-Asiatic oil-transportation corridor, namely Odesa-Brody oil pipe-line was under consideration. Also were held meeting of the Task Force Gate 2010 (Transmission and Tariffs) under the auspices of the Gas Centre of UN Economic Commission for Europe. Communication sponsor of the exhibition company MOTOROLA held seminar devoted to telecommunication decisions for oil & gas industry as well as presentation of equipment for gas metering systems, heat-mechanic and automation of controlling in Ukrainian gas complex.


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