Интеграция - 2025
АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025

Oil and Gas. Fuel and Energy Complex - 2014

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Exhibition

Date: 16.09.2014 - 19.09.2014 

City: Tyumen - information about city

Holder: "Tyumen Fair" JSC

Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Exhibition Hall

Exhibition Sections:

  • Exploration and production of oil and gas:
    • oil-field geology and geophysics
    • present-day development of the seismic exploration and geophysical well-logging
    • oil production
    • service during search and exploration of oil and gas fields
    • enhanced oil recovery techniques
    • new technology and materials in drilling
    • machines and equipment for oil and gas production: special-purpose machinery, equipment, mechanisms, tools, accessories
    • service during well construction, oil and gas production
  • Transportation and storage of oil and gas:
    • gathering, primary processing, transportation and storage of oil, petrochemicals and gas
    • pipelines, product pipes
    • service during oil and gas transportation, logistics
    • recovery of pipeline systems and equipment
  • Oil and gas processing:
    • products of the primary and advanced processing of crude hydrocarbons
    • modern technology, equipment and materials for oil refining, petrochemical and chemical industry
    • products of the chemical industry
  • Sales of oil, petrochemicals and gas:
    • sellers, consumers, traders
    • profitable sales markets and risk reduction methods
    • refueling stations, natural gas fueling stations, gas-filling stations
  • Production and delivery of the oil-and-gas equipment, automation equipment:
    • installations and equipment for the oil and gas field development
    • production of and metrological support to control and measuring equipment in the fuel and energy complex
    • equipment for laboratory investigations in the oil and gas industry: furniture, tableware, tools, reagents
    • automation equipment
    • advanced information technologies for the oil and gas industry
    • analytical equipment and materials
    • power engineering equipment, devices, energy- and resource saving technologies
  • Oil-and-gas construction:
    • design, construction, and development of the field infrastructure
    • equipping of the oil, petrochemical and gas facilities
    • new technologies and materials used in construction
  • Research efforts:
    • guidance documents, instructions, regulations, feasibility study
    • optimization of the oil well operation schedules, reliability of the oilfield equipment operation
    • improvement of the oil and gas gathering and processing systems; reservoir pressure maintenance
    • laboratory and pilot works on investigation of the formation and surface properties of oil, gas and water
    • developing the technology and techniques of complication control in oil production (paraffin and saline deposits, hydrate blocks, sand ingresses, corrosion, biocenosis suppression)
    • development and testing of the new types of equipment and technologies for oil production stimulation, well servicing, oil refining
  • Environmental protection, security, fire safety:
    • environmental monitoring of surface waters, bottom deposits and soils
    • services for prevention and liquidation of the system and equipment breakdowns in the oil and gas sector
    • taking environmental measures at the oil fields
    • supply of materials and systems ensuring security of vital activity and ecological well-being in the fuel and energy complex
    • communications systems for the oil, petrochemical and gas industry
    • industrial and fire safety
    • labor protection, work wear and personal protection equipment, safety shoes
  • Financial, legal services:
    • legal regulation of the sustainable resource use
    • legal support when gaining the rights to develop an oil and gas field
    • financial audit, consulting, insurance
    • recruiting
    • centers for professional development and advanced training of experts in the fuel and energy complex
    • new programs and techniques applied for training of experts in the oil and gas field
    • specialized publications

Additional information:
