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Oil and Gas. Fuel and Energy Complex - 2017

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Exhibition

Date: 19.09.2017 - 22.09.2017 

City: Tyumen - information about city

Holder: "Tyumen Fair" JSC

Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Exhibition Hall

Exhibition Goals:

  1. Development assistance of the enterprises of fuel and energy complex
  2. Demonstration of modern equipment and technologies for oil and gas industry
  3. Expansion of mutually beneficial scientific and technical cooperation and establishing business contacts with Russian and foreign partners aimed at further development of the oil and gas industry

Exhibition Sections:

  • Exploration and production of oil and gas:
    • oil-field geology and geophysics
    • present-day development of the seismic exploration and geophysical well-logging
    • oil production
    • service during search and exploration of oil and gas fields
    • enhanced oil recovery techniques
    • new technology and materials in drilling
    • machines and equipment for oil and gas production: special-purpose machinery, equipment, mechanisms, tools, accessories
    • service during well construction, oil and gas production
  • Transportation and storage of oil and gas:
    • gathering, primary processing, transportation and storage of oil, petrochemicals and gas
    • pipelines, product pipes
    • service during oil and gas transportation, logistics
    • recovery of pipeline systems and equipment
  • Oil and gas processing:
    • products of the primary and advanced processing of crude hydrocarbons
    • modern technology, equipment and materials for oil refining, petrochemical and chemical industry
    • products of the chemical industry
  • Sales of oil, petrochemicals and gas:
    • sellers, consumers, traders
    • profitable sales markets and risk reduction methods
    • refueling stations, natural gas fueling stations, gas-filling stations
  • Production and delivery of the oil-and-gas equipment, automation equipment:
    • installations and equipment for the oil and gas field development
    • production of and metrological support to control and measuring equipment in the fuel and energy complex
    • equipment for laboratory investigations in the oil and gas industry: furniture, tableware, tools, reagents
    • automation equipment
    • advanced information technologies for the oil and gas industry
    • analytical equipment and materials
    • power engineering equipment, devices, energy- and resource saving technologies
  • Oil-and-gas construction:
    • design, construction, and development of the field infrastructure
    • equipping of the oil, petrochemical and gas facilities
    • new technologies and materials used in construction
  • Research efforts:
    • guidance documents, instructions, regulations, feasibility study
    • optimization of the oil well operation schedules, reliability of the oilfield equipment operation
    • improvement of the oil and gas gathering and processing systems; reservoir pressure maintenance
    • laboratory and pilot works on investigation of the formation and surface properties of oil, gas and water
    • developing the technology and techniques of complication control in oil production (paraffin and saline deposits, hydrate blocks, sand ingresses, corrosion, biocenosis suppression)
    • development and testing of the new types of equipment and technologies for oil production stimulation, well servicing, oil refining
  • Environmental protection, security, fire safety:
    • environmental monitoring of surface waters, bottom deposits and soils
    • services for prevention and liquidation of the system and equipment breakdowns in the oil and gas sector
    • taking environmental measures at the oil fields
    • supply of materials and systems ensuring security of vital activity and ecological well-being in the fuel and energy complex
    • communications systems for the oil, petrochemical and gas industry
    • industrial and fire safety
    • labor protection, work wear and personal protection equipment, safety shoes
  • Financial, legal services:
    • legal regulation of the sustainable resource use
    • legal support when gaining the rights to develop an oil and gas field
    • financial audit, consulting, insurance
    • recruiting
    • centers for professional development and advanced training of experts in the fuel and energy complex
    • new programs and techniques applied for training of experts in the oil and gas field
    • specialized publications

Additional information:
