ПромтехЭКСПО - 2025
Продукты питания - 2025

Management organization - 2005

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Business exhibition program

Date: 28.09.2005 - 01.10.2005 

City: Nizhny Novgorod - information about city

Holder: Nizhni Novgorod fair

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


Место проведения: г. Н. Новгород, ул. Совнаркомовская, 13, Выставочный комплекс ВЗАО "Нижегородская ярмарка".

Exhibition sections:

  • Business accounting. Audit. Management:
    • business and financial-economical systems for complex enterise managenment automatization; hard&software for accounting automatization; legal systems and databases; particularized sectoral and office software; full range of consulting and auditory services; IT in management.
  • Hard & software:
    • computers, office equipment, componentry, peripherals, consumables; basic and applied software and data bases, intersectoral software, antiviral software, computer games; communicative equipment and technologies, personal communicative technologies, structured cable systems, computer business infrastructure, global network services, Internet-cafes; modern microcalculators; special literature.
  • Communication and security industry:
    • automatixed communication systems and communication management systems, communication services; radio-, satellite and space communication systems and equipment; broadcasting facilities; optoelectronics; network equipment and complex telecommunication system securing systems; equipment and complex solutions for outer and inner communication networks; communication vehicle manufacturing technologies.
    • information security systems and facilities; living quarter and industrial area security facilities; private security facilities; fire security; special transport and machinery; cashing, guarding and detective activity; equipping.
  • Insurance:
    • demonstration of all the range of insurance services.

Additional information:
