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PeterFOOD - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

18th International Food Exhibition

Date: 17.11.2009 - 19.11.2009 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: Congress And Exhibition Company "Empire"

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry

"PeterFOOD - 2009" exhibition news, 13-Nov-2009

Announce: On November 17-19, in Saint Petersburg, the 9th Food Forum "Big City Trade", the 3rd "Assembly of Saint Petersburg Directors", and the 2nd Mega-Seminar will be held as part of the 18th International Food Exhibition "Peterfood - 2009".

On November 17-19, in Saint Petersburg, the 9th Food Forum "Big City Trade", the 3rd "Assembly of Saint Petersburg Directors", and the 2nd "Mega-Seminar" will be held within the framework of the 18th International Food Exhibition "Peterfood- 2009".

The Forum will bring together more than 400 manufacturers and distributors of food, executives of the large trading chains in the North-West Region and Russia, the largest world consulting and research companies, representatives of Saint Petersburg Government and mass media.

Sale increase is the main topic of this year forum. The market has changed considerably - and this is a real opportunity for food suppliers to increase sales multifold. And this can be achieved by everyone. How? The answers will be found at the Forum.

The house brands the plans of the retail chains include 4 - 6 fold increase in the volume of house brand goods. How to win the tenders for supplying chain stores? What should be done for it? You will be instructed by the representatives of these chain stores and by expert-consultants in the field of retail chain work in Russia.

Analytics, forecasts, trends - what was changed during the first crisis year, what will happen in the next year, what should be done and what steps should be taken by manufacturers and sellers of food so that to ensure the growth of their companies. What strategies are the market leaders using now? Concrete plans for the retail chains for tomorrow. The chief executives of the leading retail chains will discuss together with the delegates the further cooperation and partnership. The regional chains will discuss the live problems of trade development.

The purchase center for retail chains will be working for two days this year. During these days of direct negotiations with the buying agents of the 40 federal, regional, and local retail chains in the North-West and Russia, you will be able to have talks on your products supply with all retail chains you are interested in.

And also:

  • The Third Assembly of Saint Petersburg Directors
    A direct dialogue of the chief executives. Problems and solutions of food retail chains in Saint Petersburg in the conditions of crisis and consolidation of retail chains
  • For the first time at the MEGA-Seminar exhibition as part of the Stars of the Russian Consulting program, there are
    6 anticrisis seminars and master-classes of the honored experts, included in the TOP-10 of the Russian consulting

Additional information:
