АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025
Здравоохранение Урала - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

Pharmacy Bishkek - 2016

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Pharmaceutical Exhibition

Date: 05.04.2016 - 07.04.2016 

City: Bishkek - information about city

Holder: BiExpo, LLC

Topic: Medicine and Health Care


Venue: Manege of the Academy of Physical Culture and Sports

"Pharmacy Bishkek - 2016" will be held within the Week of health in Kyrgyzstan "MedExpo - 2016" - the only specialized platform, affecting all sections of medicine. Will be held the specialized exhibitions in the main areas of medicine, scientific-practical and business events, presentations of participating companies.

Week of health "MedExpo - 2016" in Kyrgyzstan will be an important event for all representatives of the industry, and will contribute to the implementation of state healthcare modernisation programmes.

"Pharmacy Bishkek - 2016" - this is the only specialized event in the field of pharmaceutical industry of the Kyrgyz Republic. The exhibition provides a unique opportunity to establish business contacts and exchange of experience with suppliers, manufacturers, official representatives and dealers of pharmaceutical companies, to familiarize with novelties in the market of pharmaceutical, orthopaedic and medical products.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Drugs
  • Herbal medicine
  • Vitamins
  • Biologically active and food additives
  • Homeopathy
  • Baby food, goods for children and newborns
  • Orthopedic products
  • Medical cosmetics and hygiene products
  • Medical jersey

Additional information:
