Moscow, All-Russia Exhibition Centre, pav. 3
Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology
of the Russian Federation
Russian Chemical Assosiation
Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society
P&I JSC "Maxima"
Official Support:
Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation,
Government of the Russian Federation,
State Committee for Standardization and Certification of the Russian Federation,
Government of Moscow,
Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
Moscow Association of Chemical Industry Enterprises,
Intergovernmental Council for Cooperation in the Field of Chemistry and Petrochemistry,
Subject of the Exhibition:
- machinery and equipment
- moulding tools and accessories
- polymeric materials
- synthetic resins
- glass reinforced plastics
- raw and auxiliary materials (catalysts, stabilizers, modifying, foaming and filling agents, pigments)
- ecology friendly processing technologies
- processed products: semi-finished and finished goods, including goods made of recycled materials
- measuring and control equipment
In the framework of the Exhibition Plastics industry show '2004:
International Scientific Conferences
Presentations of companies
Ñontest "The Best Industrial Brands of Plastics"