Металлообработка. Сварка - Урал - 2025 (г. Екатеринбург)

Industry plastic polymer - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

The international specialized exhibition.

Date: 08.06.2004 - 11.06.2004 

City: Ufa - information about city


Topics: Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions


The main sections:

  • Raw materials and additives for plastics;
  • Manufacturing and processing equipment for polymeric materials, plastic, composites, elastomers;
  • Equipment and molds for manufacturing of plastic, composites and elastomer products;
  • Technologies for manufacturing of different intermediate products, components and final products;
  • Articles for industrial and household use;
  • Rubber: raw and accessory materials;
  • Technologies for manufacturing of intermediate products, rubber products, tires;
  • Equipment for manufacturing and recycling of rubber and rebuilding of used products;
  • Rubber, rubber products and tires;
  • Standardization and certification in the industry.

This Exhibition is quite topical for the Republic of Bashkortostan - one of the mostly industrially developed and stable regions in Russia. 1/5th of all the produced in Russia synthetical resins, polyethylene, plastic and synthetical rubber is manufactured here. Constant demand for produce, availability of local raw materials, high level of technical equipment make the work of enterprises effective, for not any branch of industry or sphere of human life can deal without plastic at present.

The event "INDUSTRY OF PLASTIC and POLYMERS" helps to the increase of polymeric production competitiveness, enlargement of consumer market, experience exchange and consolidation of corporate efforts and interests. The main purpose is to demonstrate the modern achievements of chemical manufacture, discuss the state and perspectives of the development of chemical products and technologies market, aspects of quality and ecology.


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