Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Advertising. Polygraphy. Mass Media - 2011

Attention! The event is over.

9th Interregional Specialized Exhibition

Date: 22.09.2011 - 23.09.2011 

City: Voronezh - information about city

Holder: Exhibition Center VETA

Topic: Advertising and Publishing Activities

"Advertising. Polygraphy. Mass Media - 2011" exhibition news, 06-Jun-2011

Announce: From 22nd to 23rd of September in Voronezh under the Forum of marketing communications the Interregional specialized exhibition "Advertising. Polygraphy. Mass Media - 2011" will be held.

The exhibition "Advertising. Polygraphy. Mass Media - 2011" will be held in Voronezh from 22nd to 23rd of September underthe Forum of marketing communications.

In total exposition area of more than 1100 sq. m. leading advertising, press, marketing and PR agencies, printing firms, design studios, mass media and Internet portals from various regions of Russia. As visitors of the event representatives of the industry business of Central Black Earth region and specialists in the field of marketing, advertising and PR enterprises of Central Black Earth region are invited.

Conferences, seminars, master classes, round tables with participants of the best representatives of the industry will take place under the business program. Local maestros and invited speakers will gladden with their performances.


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