CleanExpo Урал -2025
АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025

Buy Home-Produced Goods - 2015

Attention! The event is over.

Consumer Goods Fair

Date: 17.03.2015 - 19.03.2015 

City: Kirov - information about city

Holder: Vyatka Market Plus

Topic: Consumer Goods


Venue: House of Culture "Rodina"

Universal fair will present a large range of food products, particularly meat and meat products, dried fruits, nuts, sweets, and much more. Many household supplies for the kitchen and home will be useful to everyone, also can be a nice gift for family and friends. The variety of choice of clothes at reasonable prices, fur, knitwear, home clothes. The fair has long been the traditional place for the purchase of various goods for them.

The fair is aimed at supporting small and medium enterprises, support for domestic producers and creates favourable conditions for trade and product promotion.

Diversified nature of the event allows visitors to purchase both food and non-food items.

The control of products of animal origin leads the veterinary Department of the Kirov region.

In the fair participating companies and organizations from all over Russia.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Souvenirs
  • Products of arts and crafts
  • Household goods (tool, dishes, household chemicals)
  • Textiles, clothing, footwear
  • Perfume and beauty products
  • Haberdashery goods
  • Grain flour goods (bread, bread, pasta, cereals)
  • Horticultural products (vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms and products of their processing)
  • Taste the goods - tea, coffee, spices, condiments, beverages
  • Bakery products, honey and bee products
  • Milk and milk products (dairy products, butter, cheese)
  • Meat and meat products (sausage-cooking products, semi-finished products)
  • Fish and fish products

Additional information:
