Venue: House of Culture "Progress" (167, Krasny avenue).
Conference Sections:
- New medical medicated and non-medicated technologies of preventive measures for cardiology
- Risksmetry
- New biomarkers of cardiovascular diseases risk
- Psychosocial aspects of preventive measures for cardiovascular diseases
- Risks factors of cardiovascular diseases and peventive measures for children and adolescents
- Genetic background and cardiovascular dideases
- Genealogic method in family doctor practice
- Way of life and risk of cardiovascular diseases:
- food
- alcohol
- tobacco smoking
- physical activity
- Climate geographical and ethnical factors of cardiovascular diseases
- Early diagnostics and treatment of arrythmia and inequalities of the pulse for preventing a sudden death
- Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases
- Food and biologically active supplements in preventive measures of cardiovascular diseases
- Role of middle medical personnel in preventive measures of cardiovascular diseases
- Perfection of organization and cross-sectoral aspects of first preventive measures for cardiovascular diseases
- Role of medical preventive measures centers