АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025
ИнтерСтройЭкспо - 2025

Housing and Public Utilities-Promexpo - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

3rd Specialized Exhibition

Date: 14.03.2007 - 16.03.2007 

City: Ekaterinburg - information about city

Holder: LLC "Soyuzpromexpo"

Topics: Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Business Information and Exhibition Center

Exhibition Sections:

  • Reconsrtruction, repair of residential constructions: fronts, roofings, doorways. Contemporary materials, equipment, technologies, project works
  • Life support of residential constructions: electric-, water-, heat- and gas-supply, ventilation, contitioning, firefighting, smoke removal, alarm. Video-control, access control. Safety. Lifts. Systems of management of living construction. Sanitary-and-technical constructions systems. Cleaning
  • Engineering communications: projecting, building, reconstruction, operation. Modern materials and technologies. Cable equipment. Pumps. Pipes, locking and regulating equipment. Diagnostics and readjustment
  • Sewerage and water supply systems: water-preparation and water-purifying. Drainage system and sewage. Modern technologies, equipment, devices
  • Communal heat supply: heating and hot water supply systems. Heat registration centres. Heat-and-power engineering, boilers, radiators, heat exchangers, thermocounters. Boiler-rooms. Energy savings in heat networks
  • Energy and gas supply: electric networks and electric-and-network objects. Gas networks and equipment. Monitoring equipment, electric energy and gas registration facilities. Small-scale and alternative energetics. Energy efficiency. Energy-saving technologies and equipment
  • Sanitation of cities and settlements: collecting, removal and transportation of wastes. Equipment and technologies. Sorting stations, garbage-disposal plants, etc. Secondary waste treatment
  • Land improvement: materials and technologies of roads and internal territories maintenance. Children's sport grounds, small architectural forms, fences, paving slab, fountains, street lights, building illumination. WC. Advertising-and-informational decoration
  • Communal equipment: combined road cars and changing equipment, vacuum street sweepers, watering-and-washing machines, snow-ploughs, snow loaders, machines and equipment for reagent distribution, sidewalk-washing machines, sludge chamber, cleaning machines; dust-carts; compactors; mobile compressor stations, electric stations, welding equipment, emergency repair machines
  • Natural complexes and planting of trees and gardens
  • Ecological security: technologies of planting of greenery and green body saving, landscape design
    • Ecological safety and labour protection in housing and communal services: monitoring of housing and communal services objects state, state of environment and work places. Uniform, special equipment. Projects in the sphere of environmental protection
    • Informational technologies in housing and utilities. Communication means
    • Investment for housing and utilities
    • Insurance of housing and utilities objects, machines and equipment
    • Leasing of machines and equipment
    • Personnel training. Specialized literature
    • Audit in city economy
    • Housing unions of different legal form
  • Energy and resource savings: efficient technologies for producing, distribution and transmission of electric energy; small energetics devices; new conduit systems for heating and water supply; energy saving lighting equipment; energy resource metering, control and regulating devices

Additional information:
