Venue: Regional Exhibition Center
To take part in the unified exhibition:
Exhibition of equipment, technology, materials, tools for construction and improvement
of the dwelling, office and industrial premises:
- Construction, finishing materials, products
- Water-proof, heat-insulating and roofing materials
- Paints and varnishes
- Water supply, air conditioning and ventilation systems
- Partitions, stairs
- Facades
- Equipment and tools for construction, reconstruction and repair works
- Metal works and metal products: hardware, fittings, wire products, locks and lock-up devices
- Sanitary ware, construction ceramics
- Energy saving technology
- Heat controllers, heat meters, electric energy, gas, water, oil and lubricant consumption record systems
- Automation, security assurance and protection equipment in construction
- Computer systems in construction industry, "smart home" systems
- Design, decor, projects, materials, goods, ornamental articles, accessories for interior design
- Fireplaces and stoves
- Blinds, jalousie
- Carpets, flooring
- Internet technology in architectural design, alterations
- Work wear
- Components and materials for lighting industry
- Efficient household devices
- Energy-saving technologies, materials, equipment
- Water, gas, electric energy, heat, fuel and lubricants cost accounting systems
- Gas facilities
- Innovative technologies for energy supply for buildings
- Energy saving in systems of heat and water supply
- Public and industrial thermal power
- Innovative technologies of systems of independent and centralized heat supply, water supply and water removal
- Small and unconventional energy
- Nanotechnology in the field of energy saving in fuel and energy complex
- Hardwire products, electroinsulating materials
- Thermal insulating materials, heat engineering
- Ventilation, conditioning, heating, water supply, canalization and water treatment systems
- Systems of management, accounting and control
- High and low voltage equipment
- Efficient use of resources and ecology
- Energy saving target programs
"Energy saving in construction, industry, housing and public utilities".
"Housing and public utilities - Standards of the future":
- Infrastructure, development and improvement of the modern city
- Materials, equipment, technology and services for support of the municipal facilities
- Gas supply
- Waste recovery
- Ecology
- Landscape design
- Industrial, computer, graphic design, phyto- and landscape design
"Lighting. Glass. Doors. Windows".
Specialized exhibition:
- Lighting technology
- Electric fixtures è electrical products, household appliances and electronics, technology, equipment and materials for manufacturing there of
- Cables, wires
- Household and industrial glass-ware
- Equipment, raw materials, technology and innovations in glassmaking
- Glass in architecture
- Doors
- Windows
"Drevexpo. Furniture".
Exhibition of furniture, forest products, construction materials made of wood and with the use of wood:
- Cabinet work and carpentry
- Machines, equipment, tools, materials for lumbering, woodworking and furniture industry
- All types of furniture for home and office
- Components, semi-manufactured products, finish hardware, materials for furniture manufacturing
"DorStroyTech. Roads. Bridges. Special Automotive Equipment".
9th Specialized exhibition:
- Road-building machinery, equipment
- Construction, reconstruction, maintenance technologies of roads, bridges and overpasses
- Motorway service
- Quality diagnostics of road works
- Work clothes
- Insurance
Specialized showroom:
- Real estate
- Mortgage
- Investment
- Urban development in Siberia
- Low-height housing construction
- Cottages: construction, operation
"SiBdomservis: Buildings. Care. Management. Service".
Specialized showroom:
- Sibcleaning
- Waste management
- Cleaning and improvement of streets and territories
- Real estate management
- Dry-cleaning, laundry