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PTA. Automation Advanced Technologies. Moscow - 2009

Attention! The event is over.

9th International Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Industrial Automation, Buildings and Inbuilt Systems Automation

Date: 22.09.2009 - 24.09.2009 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expotronica Company

Topics: Information Technologies and Communications, Petrolium, Gas, Chemistry, Industrial Exhibitions

"PTA. Automation Advanced Technologies. Moscow - 2009" exhibition news, 23-Sep-2009

Announce: The 9th International Specialized Exhibition "PTA. Advanced Automation Technologies. Moscow - 2009" started its work.

In the hall ¹ 3 at the central exhibition complex "Expocenter" there was an opening of the 9th international specialized exhibition of equipment and technologies for automated process control systems "PTA. Advanced Automation Technologies. Moscow - 2009", organized by exhibition company "EXPOTRONIKA" (Russia) under the auspices of "Expocenter" CJSC.

"The annual autumn exhibitions "PTA. Advanced Automation Technologies. Moscow - 2009" at the "Expocenter", which bring together a wide audience of experts in the field of industrial automation, have become a good tradition, - noticed the Vice-President of the International Automation Society ISA A.V. Bobovich at the opening ceremony, - this is an important event in Russia and world-wide, a unique platform at which the latest achievements and scientific developments in the industrial sector will be presented."

About 120 firms from Germany, China, Republic of Belarus, Russia, USA, Taiwan, South Korea demonstrate the advanced automation technologies at this exhibition. The world and national leaders of industrial automation are presented there.

The show "PTA. Advanced Automation Technologies. Moscow - 2009" is one of the most established professional events, which has become the up-to-date information exchange center, including the exhibition business programme, the cardinal events of which is the traditional international conference on automated process control systems and inbuilt systems.

The growing popularity enjoys the contest on the best project in the field of automation, which is carried out among the exhibition and conference participants by the magazine "Modern Automation Technologies". At the "PTA. Advanced Automation Technologies. Moscow - 2009" exhibition opening ceremony there was a festive awarding of this year winner. It is significant that the winner was the Russian company NPO "Tekon-Automatics".

It's beyond any doubt, that the 9th international specialized exhibition "PTA. Advanced Automation Technologies. Moscow - 2009" will become a powerful incitement for new projects realization, will contribute to the extension of business contacts and strengthening international relations in the field of industrial automation.

The exhibition is open until September 24, in the hall ¹ 3 at the central exhibition complex "Expocenter".

Exhibition working hours:

  • September 22 - 23 - from 10:00 to 18:00
  • September 24 - from 10:00 to 16:00

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