Venue: Exhibition pavilion of OJSC Tomsk International business centre "Tekhnopark"
Exhibition Goals:
- Improving consumer content of the goods and services
- Joining efforts of the public authorities, business sector and organizations of all industries based on the quality idea with a view of improving management and quality of the goods and services
Exhibition Sections:
- Food products:
- meat and meat products
- dairy produce
- bread and pastry
- products of micro-enterprises
- other subgroups of food products
- Industrial civilian goods:
- textiles and apparel
- household furniture
- children's clothes and footwear
- products of micro-enterprises
- other subgroups of the industrial civilian goods
- Industrial and technology products:
- machines
- processing equipment
- products of micro-enterprises
- other subgroups of the industrial and technology products
- Industrial and technology products
- Popular craftwork items
- Services for the population