Мясная промышленность. Куриный Король. Индустрия Холода для АПК / MAP Russia - 2025

Rail-Tech Russia - 2007

Attention! The event is over.

International Railway Conference & Exhibition

Date: 18.06.2007 - 20.06.2007 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Expomedia Events Russia (EME Russia)

Topic: Automobiles, Storage, Transport, Logistics and Transportation


Venue: VDNH

Rail-Tech Russia Exhibition provides excellent promotion opportunities for domestic and international railway companies to present the latest Russian and global railway technology and will be the place to establish new contacts and start co-operation with regard to new technologies, production and trade. Rail-Tech Russia 2007 will be held in VVC Centre Moscow.

Why participate?

Participating in the international conference and exhibition Rail-Tech Russia 2007 will offer you the unique platform to meet international industry professionals and the top management of JSC Russian Railways.

If your company is involved in any of the following or related rail activities, you will benefit from participating in Rail-Tech Russia 2007:

  • Railway operators
  • Rolling stock and train interiors
  • Maintenance and service equipment
  • Electrification and contact systems
  • Alarm and telecommunication systems
  • Software and application systems
  • Passenger service systems
  • Freight transportations and logistics
  • Station design, architecture. Services
  • Consulting, design and engineering
  • Railway infrastructure, track, switches and bridges
  • Recruitment
  • Finance, insurance and leasing services
  • Research centers / institutions and certification
  • Railway associations, organizations and chambers
  • Mass Media
  • Related materials, products and services

Rail-Tech Russia Conference will focus on Russia as a strategic link between Europe and Asia and on the developments of and investments in the Russian railway network, offering a promising opportunity to meet international railway professionals.

The conference programme will be coordinated by an international advisory committee. Exhibitors can register for the conference at a considerable discount.

The conference programme, information on the workshops and industry dinner will be available later this year at the website, and in the conference brochure which is expected to be published in the spring of 2007.

Themes: Among others, the following themes will be discussed during the conference:

  • Technical implications of cross border traffic for freight and passenger transportation
  • Integrated European rail systems for passenger and freight
  • Transport of passengers and cargo
  • Security and automation
  • Transit corridors ( Russia as a strategic link between East and West)
  • Harmonization of regulations
  • Shipping / ports
  • Customs

Additional information:
