АЛТАЙСТРОЙ - Горно-Алтайск-Барнаул-Бийск - 2025
ИнтерСтройЭкспо - 2025

Real Estate. Spring - 2015

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Exhibition

Date: 07.04.2015 - 11.04.2015 

City: Ufa - information about city

Holder: Planeta Azimuth

Topics: Building and real estate, Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


Venue: Exhibition complex "UFA EXPO"

Mission is to create useful information and entertainment events for residents and visitors, a platform which will allow in one place at one time to unite the representatives of relevant properties and their potential buyers.

The main objectives of the exhibition:

  • For visitors:
    1. Creating a useful and holiday activities for residents and visitors who are interested in the real estate market
    2. Providing visitors with accurate and comprehensive information about the potential acquisition of new housing, rural property, second homes and land, proposals for commercial real estate
    3. Providing visitors with all necessary information in matters of finance: current offers on mortgages, property insurance, social programs, live chat with the experts of this field
    4. Lighting market situation for the public and professionals: trends, news, changes in the crisis period, analysis of the situation, finding the best financial solutions and so on
  • For developers:
    1. The promotion and selling of real estate
    2. Confirmation of the viability of a company is acting as a market participant
    3. Analysis of the situation on the market, studying the demand of visitors
    4. The study of competitive market
    5. Establishing business contacts among the participants
    6. Searching for ways out of the crisis

Exhibition Sections:

  • Investment projects of the Republic of Bashkortostan
  • Apartments in new buildings
  • Secondary housing
  • Commercial real estate
  • Rural houses and land plots
  • Overseas real estate
  • Sale of business
  • Real estate services:
    • on the primary housing market
    • on the secondary housing market
    • on the commercial real estate market
    • legal and consulting
    • real estate management
    • real estate insurance
    • mass media, Internet services
    • evaluation
  • Projects:
    • "Country house. Wooden and low-rise housing construction"
    • "A street of mortgage and loan"
    • "Salon of foreign real estate"
    • "Fair of vacant premises"
    • "Stand classified advertisements"
    • "For your home"
    • "Center of free advice"

Additional information:
