CleanExpo Óðàë -2025
CleanExpo Óðàë -2025

Central and Eastern European Refining and Petrochemicals - 2006

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2006 Central and Eastern European Refining and Petrochemicals 9th Annual Roundtable

Date: 17.10.2006 - 19.10.2006 

City: Budapest - information about city

Holder: World Refining Association

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: Corinthia Aquincum Hotel, Budapest, Hungary.

Exhibition Sections:

  • Refining and Petrochemical Company growth plans
  • Regional merger and acquisition activity
  • Country and company strategies for 2007 EU Accession
  • Overview of refinery/plant modernisation plans
  • The future of regional company privatisation
  • Technologies for clean fuels programmes

Additional information:
