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Rehatech. REHAMEDexpo - 2005

Attention! The event is over.

4th International Specialized Exhibition for Rehabilitation Technologies and Treatment, and "Rehatech - 2005", 2nd International Specialized Exhibition of Equipment and New Technologies for Complex Reabilitation "REHAMEDexpo - 2005"

Date: 14.06.2005 - 17.06.2005 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: MVK International exhibition company

Topic: Medicine and Health Care


You are welcome to take part in REHAMEDexpo-2005, the 2nd international specialized exhibition for rehabilitation technologies and treatment, and REHATECH-2005, the 4th international specialized exhibition of equipment and new technologies for complex rehabilitation, which will be held in Sokolniki Culture & Exhibition Centre, Moscow, Russia on June, 14-17, 2005.

MVK Holding Company;
Russian Scientific Centre of Rehabilitation Treatment and Balneology of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation;
ASVOMED Association of Rehabilitation Treatment Specialists;
Federal Scientific & Practical Centre for Medical and Social Expertise, Recovery and Rehabilitation Industry;
All-Russian Society of Specialists on Medical and Social Expertise and Rehabilitation Industry;

Supported by:
Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
Sokolniki Culture & Exhibition Centre

Exhibition Sections:

    • Rehabilitation technical facilities for medical institutions
    • Prosthesis:
    • Extremity prosthesis
    • Mammary implantant
    • Orthesis
    • Semifinished prosthesis
    • Latest materials and technologies for prosthesis manufacture
    • Binders and other facilities
    • Rehabilitation of patients, using prosthesis
    • Vision and hearing correction
    • Orthopedic footwear
    • Auxiliaries for rehabilitation and treatment
    • Information technologies for medical rehabilitation
  • REHAMEDexpo
    • New technologies in diagnostics and recovery
    • Modern pharmaceuticals in rehabilitation treatment
    • Cosmetology and aesthetic medicine
    • Balneology and physiotherapy
    • Adaptive physical training and sports
    • Medical and sports nutrition
    • Gerontology, life quality
    • Recovering medicine for sportsmen
    • Rehabilitation treatment in clinical practice

The exhibitions will see REHAMEDcongress-2005, the 2nd International Congress on Recovering Medicine and Rehabilitation, master classes for medical employees (state standard certificates), workshops on physiotherapy, traction therapy, cryotherapy, laser treatment, aroma and phytotherapy, rehabilitation nonmedical (alternative) treatment, hirudotherapy, drug therapy of bone diseases and arthropathy, functional nutrition (dietary supplements), diagnosis and dyskinesia correction, vital problems of physiotherapy, acupuncture and massage, hardware cosmetology.

Exhibition attendees will have an opportunity to visit free of charge diagnosis rooms to have a sight and hearing tests and undergo a locomotor system test, get doctor's consultation and choose a diet.

The exhibitions will include:

  • Physical Training and Sports Day, organized with the support of the Federation of Physical Training and Sports for Disabled People of Moscow;
  • Jobs Fair, organized by the Department of the Federal Employment Service of Moscow.

The exhibitions will be attended by representatives of regional departments for social protection, representatives of state and public organizations, authorities of health public care, directors of medical institutions from different regions of Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe, employees of Scientific and Research Centers and medical universities, practicing physicians, foreign specialists.


Additional information:
