Exhibition Sections:
- Construction, finishing materials and items
- Waterproofing, heat insulating and roofing materials
- Varnishes and paints
- Water supply, air conditioning and ventilation systems
- Technologies and equipment for delivery, collecting and distribution of heat energy, premises climate control
- Windows, doors, partitions, staircases
- Facades
- Equipment and tools for construction, reconstruction and repair
- Metal constructions and items: iron mongery, accessories, hard components, locks and locking devices
- Sanitary items, construction ceramics
- Technologies, equipment, technical means for maintenance, cleaning and sanitary treatment of premises
- Energy saving technologies
- Automation, safety measures and individual protection means in construction, computer systems in cvonstruction industry, systems "smart house"
- Decor
- Projects, ìmaterials, goods, decorative items, accessories for interior
- Fireplaces and stoves
- Curtains
- Jalousie
- Carpets
- Floor coverings
- Industrial, computer, graphical, fito-, landscape design, internet-technologies in architectural design
- Replanning
In the program there are specialized expositions: "Sibetton", "Ceramexpo".