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Great rivers/ICEF - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

The 6th International Specialized forum

Date: 18.05.2004 - 21.05.2004 

City: Nizhny Novgorod - information about city

Holder: Nizhni Novgorod fair

Topics: Natural Resources, Industrial Exhibitions


The organizers of the forum

UNESCO, Ministry of an industry, science and technologies of Russian Federation, Ministry of natural resources of Russian Federation, Ministry of fuel and power of Russian Federation, Ministry of transport of Russian Federation, State committee on construction and municipal complex of Russian Federation, Russian academy of architecture and building sciences, Russian Union of the industrialists and businessmen, Russian national committee of assistance to the Programs UNO on environment (UNEPCOM), International social - ecological union, Government of Nizhniy Novgorod region, Nizhniy Novgorod architectural - building university, "The Nizhniy Novgorod Fair "

At the support:

of Administration of the Representative of the President of Russian Federation in the Volga federal district, Council of Federation and State Duma of Federal assembly of Russian Federation, Government of Russian Federation, Government of Republic Belorussia, Government of Republic of Kazakhstan, Government of Kirghizia, chamber of trade and commerce of Russian Federation, Republic Belorussia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kirghizia.

Main Themes - " Steady development of the great riverspools : the international and interregional cooperation "

The Forum " the Great rivers ' 2004 " is devoted to the decision of problems of steady development in pools of the great rivers: maintenance of social validity, intensive development of economy, preservation of environmental natural environment(Wednesday) for present and future generations.

Major tasks of the forum are: development of legal, normative and economic mechanisms of maintenance of transition to steady development; creation of the effective forms of management and coordination of activity of regions in pools of the great rivers.

Organizational structure ICEF ' 2004

  • the Congress
  • the specialized exhibitions
    of the forum will present ecologically safe, resource projects, development, technology, innovations, know-how, equipment, materials and production on branches: mechanical engineering, electronics and electrical engineer, fuel and energy complex, military-industrial complex

Additional information:
