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Great Rivers (Ecological, Hydro-Meteorological, Energy Security) / ICEF - 2019

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21st International Scientific and Industrial Forum

Date: 14.05.2019 - 17.05.2019 

City: Nizhny Novgorod - information about city

Holder: Nizhni Novgorod fair

Topics: Building and real estate, Natural Resources, Municipal Management


Venue: Exhibition Complex "Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka"

Goals and Objectives of the Exhibition:

  • Consideration of the main directions of sustainable development of regions in the basins of the great rivers of the world
  • Demonstration of the best experience, innovative technologies and equipment for the treatment of natural and waste water, prevention of pollution, improvement of the environmental situation in General, taking into account the provisions of the priority project "Conservation and prevention of pollution of the Volga river", approved by the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for strategic development and priority projects by the regions of Russia and the countries of the world located in the great rivers basins
  • Assistance in solving the problems of sustainable development in the great river basins - ensuring sustainable socio - economic development of Russia, preservation of the environment for present and future generations, environmental, hydrometeorological and energy security

The forum will be accompanied:

  • "Sustainable development of regions in the great river basins. International and interregional cooperation"
    21th International Scientific Congress.
    • Resolution of the international scientific Congress "Sustainable development of regions in the great rivers basins"
    • Proceedings of the international scientific Congress "Sustainable development of regions in the great rivers"
  • "Great rivers of Russia (Federal and regional expositions)"
    21st Specialized exhibition.
    Presents scientific and industrial expositions of innovative projects in the field of environmental, hydrometeorological and energy security, including specialized projects:
    • 20th Specialized project of Roshydromet "Hydrometeorology for human and economic development" (exhibition, Congress)
    • 20th Specialized exhibition project of the Federal Agency for water resources and upper Volga basin water management "Water resources Management of Russia" (exhibition, Congress)
    • 20th Specialized exhibition project Of the Russian river register; Presentation exposition of environmental projects of the Nizhny Novgorod region
  • "Clean water. Technologies. Equipment"
    20th Specialized exhibition.
    • water treatment, water supply, water disposal: equipment, technologies, materials, devices
    • pumps and pumping equipment
    • pipes, pipelines, shut-off and control valves
    • instrumentation and automation
    • laboratory and analytical equipment
    • heating system
    • pools and fountains
    • groundwater exploration and production
    • clean drinking water
    • rational use and protection of water resources
  • "Energy. Electrical engineering. Energy and resource saving"
    21st Specialized exhibition.
    • high voltage equipment, transformers
    • cables, wires, electro-ceramic products, lighting equipment, low-voltage electrical equipment
    • boiler and auxiliary equipment, heat exchangers
    • electric machines, electric drives, accumulators
    • measuring equipment, diagnostics
    • complex automation of technological processes
    • new technologies in power generation and saving
    • converting devices
    • services in design, installation, service of the power equipment and production of electric installation works
    • alternative energy
    • technologies and equipment for emergency response
  • "Clean city"
    Specialized exhibition project.
    • waste collection and transportation
    • sorting, processing, waste disposal
    • collection and disposal of hazardous waste
    • waste to energy, bioenergy, waste recycling
    • ecological monitoring
    • prevention of air pollution, cleaning dust, gas emissions of industrial enterprises
    • landscaping and improvement of cities and human settlements
  • Innovative scientific and educational projects:
    • Expedition "Floating University of the Volga basin".
      Expedition - project inter-sectoral engineering centre "Ecological, hydrometeorological, energy safety of the urbanized territories".
    • Expedition "Lifting force".
      The purpose of the expedition is to promote the conservation of nature reserves and Geosphere reserves under the auspices of UNESCO.
    • Ecological and geographical marathon "Discovering Russia anew. Together".
      Ecological and geographical educational project to promote knowledge of the subject and education of patriotism.
    • 15th all-Russian children and youth ecological Assembly

Additional information:
