Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

DORKOMEXPO-2003, Road and Communal Economy

Attention! The event is over.

5-th Moscow international exhibition

Date: 27.05.2003 - 30.05.2003 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holder: Exhibition and Marketing Center

Topic: Municipal Management


We invite You to take part in the 5-th Moscow international exhibition "DORKOMEXPO-Road and Communal Economy-2003" which will be held from May 27 till May 29, 2003 in the 'Gostiniy Dvor' prestigious cultural-business centre. Outdoor exhibition area is situated on Red Square at immemorial Kremlin walls.

The main sections of the exhibition:

  • Road economy
    • Highways, road complexes, engineering structures (design, building, reconstruction, maintenance), new materials and technologies;
    • Highways, road-bridge structures, road complexes (design, building, reconstruction, maintenance), new materials and technologies.
    • Road-building, communal - municipal machinery and equipment, small-scale mechanization machinery, tools.
    • Road service (parking, petrol stations, washing machines, repair services, enterprises of a fast service).
    • Traffic safety; building, reconstruction and maintenance of traffic lights, road signs, barriers; new materials for road marking; road monitoring.
    • Labour safety and security provision in road and communal economy (modern technologies and equipment for preventing accidents in urban economy; radiation, bio-chemical, ecological control, overalls, special equipping).
    • Insurance of city economy objects, machinery, equipment.
    • Training of specialists.
    • Special literature, standards.
  • Housing and communal (municipal) economy
    • Apartment houses: machinery and equipment for maintenance and repair; survival systems; lift facilities; tools for video-monitoring, access control and limit;
    • Urban communications: systems of water treatment, water handling, water drain, heat supply, gas supply, electric power supply (design, building, reconstruction, maintenance); testing and repairing equipment, flowmeters).
    • Sanitary cleaning of city; collection, processing and recycling of industrial and domestic wastes; waste burning plants; sorting plants.
    • Urban areas improvement (paving, small architectural forms, children's playgrounds, fountains, park sculptures); lighting of city
    • Green plantings: machinery and equipment for maintenance; modern methods of planting and saving of urban green arrays; park and forest facilities of cities
    • City environmental protection. Ecological monitoring.
    • Advertising and informational design of city.
    • Informatization of infrastructures of road and communal economy.

Scientific program of the exhibition:

conference on introducing of nature protection technologies and equipment into municipal economy
meeting of machinery enterprises-producers managers with managers of Moscow city economy complex
seminar on road building, city improvement, green planting preservation in city conditions, round tables, excursions

Assembly - May 25-26, 2003.
Running: May 27-30, 2003.
Dismantling: May 30 (after 4.00 p.m.), May 31, 2003


Additional information:
