Нефть и газ, химия. ТЭК - 2025

Road Network Development in Russia's Northwest

Attention! The event is over.

The international conference

Date: 17.10.2002 - 18.10.2002 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holders: ESB, RESTEC

Topics: Building and real estate, Municipal Management


The conference will be held within the III All-Russia Day of Road Workers on 17-18 October 2002 in St. Petersburg.

The participants of the conference will include representatives of the Administration of St. Petersburg, Government of Leningrad Oblast, representatives of design and research organiza-tions as well as enterprises of the road complex from different regions of Russia, the CIS and Europe.

The conference will discuss crucial issues in legal support to development of the transport systems infrastructure, ways to increase the competitiveness of road construction companies, and questions concerning design, construction and operation of roads and road facilities.

The conference will have:

  • the plenary meeting "Program for modernization of Russian roads on the example of the North-west region. Projects and their financing'

Main topics of roundtable meetings and seminars:

  • New technologies, structures and materials in design and construction of roads;
  • New technologies, structures and materials in design and construction of bridges;
  • Problems in operation of transport infrastructure facilities during the winter period;
  • Development of Russian-Finish cooperation in road construction sphere.

The conference will also include:

  • presentations of investment projects for development of the road network in the Northwest re-gion;
  • visits to the road facilities under construction in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast.

Simultaneously with the conference within the III All-Russia Day of Road Workers there will be held: the roundtable meeting "Environmental Safety in Construction and Operation of Transport Systems", as well as the IV International Specialized Exhibition "Roads. Bridges. Tunnels" and the specialized exhibition "Transport Construction". The conference participants will have an opportunity to review the exhibits presented at the shows.


Additional information:
