Organizers: Ministry of Industry, science and technologies of Russian Federation and others.
Supporters: The Government of Russian Federation.
Exhibition points: Priority tendencies of scientific-technical, industrial and small aviation innovations revelation. Further development of superlight Russian aviation gound infrastructure. Business contacts establishment. Business activity of enterprises, organizations, departments and specialists stimulating in small aviation usage for various purposes.
Exhibition sections:
- Expositions.
- Subject expositions of civil supersmall, small and business-aviation; air control systems; communication and data tansferring systems and equipment; air-navigation information; diagnostic tools; meteorological equipment; combustive and lubricative materials and equipment; fire-technical and survival equipment; uniform; flight safety tools researches and elabourations; special tasks aviation application, city service aviation; aircompanies, passengers and load transport organization; aviation insurance; aviatourism, design.
- Conference
- "Main aircraft industry development tendencies. Small aviation as Russia's competitive capacity raising on world market".
- Special projects.
- Russia SLA championship. Flight show, including all the kinds of light flying crafts. Demonstration parachuters appearance.