Çäðàâîîõðàíåíèå Äàãåñòàíà - 2025
Ìÿñíàÿ ïðîìûøëåííîñòü. Êóðèíûé Êîðîëü. Èíäóñòðèÿ Õîëîäà äëÿ ÀÏÊ / MAP Russia - 2025

ROSOMED - 2020

Attention! The event is over.

International Conference "Simulation Education in Medicine: Experience, Development, Innovation"

Date: 14.10.2020 - 16.10.2020 

City: Online - information about city

Holder: All-Russian Public Organization "ROSOMED"

Topic: Medicine and Health Care


ÐÎÑÎÌÅÄ - 2020

"ROSOMED - 2020" - for the first time in online format. Participants will receive interesting reports from leading Russian and foreign experts in medical education, a virtual exhibition, polls and voting, professional communication and chat rooms. The online format will allow participation for all those who have not been able to attend the conference in person for many years. The program of the forum will be of interest to rectors of medical universities and deans of medical faculties, medical teachers, heads of simulation and training centers, and professional societies.

  • October 14 - Preconference. Workshops in the form of webinars and a virtual exhibition
  • October 15 - Plenary and breakout sessions of the "ROSOMED - 2020" conference. 9th Congress of the ROSOMED Society. Virtual exhibition
  • October 14 - Post-conference. Summing up, round tables, webinars

Themes of the event:

  • Simulation training to combat COVID-19
  • Training, assessment and accreditation during a pandemic
  • Distance learning as a new trend in education
  • Topical issues of primary and primary specialized accreditation
  • Continuing medical education
  • Communication skills

It is planned that the event will bring together over 3000 participants and over 50 speakers. Russian experts, as well as speakers from Europe, Asia and America will go live, about 20 webinars will be held.


Additional information:
