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Russia - Germany: the basic aspects of cooperation in the field of exhibition and congress activity - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

Russian - German exhibition forum

Date: 28.10.2004 - 30.10.2004 

City: Moscow - information about city

Holders: AUMA Association of the German Trade Fair Industry, Russian union of exhibition and fairs

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


Expocentre, Congress - centre Moscow, Russia.

The ministry for economic development and trade of the Russian Federation
Commercial and industrial chamber of the Russian Federation
German Embassy, Moscow
Joint-Stock Company " Expocentre "
Exhibition company "Restec"

Not state research establishment "Exhibition research center"

The purposes of carrying out of the Forum:
Formation of preconditions for development of cooperation of organizers exhibition and congress activity of Russia and Germany
Representation to attention of potential partners of the foreign exhibition industry and business of the Russian exhibition market - condition and prospects of development, capacity and investment potential
An establishment of strong partner communications with foreign exhibition operators with the purpose of development of the international cooperation in the field of exhibition business

Participants of the Forum:
Representatives of bodies of coordination and a support of exhibition and congress activity
The public and branch unions, associations and associations
Leading organizers exhibition and congress activity of Russia and Germany (firm organizers exhibition and congress actions; exhibition centres; profile service structures)

The program of the Forum:

28 October 2004
Arrival, hotel-accomodation
19.00 Reception in German Ambassador to the Russian Federation

29 October 2004
08.30 - 09.30 Registration of participants, material handout
09.30 - 13.00 Plenary Session
10.50 - 11.20 - Coffee break
13.00 - 13.30 Press conference
13.30 - 14.45 Lunch
15.00 - 17.30 WORKSHOP(presentation of exhibition service providers)
16.15 - 16.45 Coffee break
19.00 - 23.00 Gala dinner

30 October 2004
registration required
09.30 - 12.30 Visit of the new international exhibition center Crocus Expo, Moscow snack
14.00 - 17.00 Visit of the Kremlin, Cathedrals, the Armory Museum, Diamond Fund


Additional information:
