Venue: Exhibition Complex LENEXPO
Exhibition Sections:
- Protection facilities:
- equipment for maintenance and support of security systems
- ecological safety systems
- special transport
- operative communication systems
- anti-terrorist and inspection equipment
- means of individual security and equipment
- designing technical systems of the safety of facilities and their complex equipping
- special bank equipment
- engineering protective facilities
- systems of access control
- systems of video surveillance and monitoring
- warning and alarm systems
- integrated security systems
- Survival equipment. Systems and equipment for fire protection:
- operative communication systems
- fire engineering and special units
- fire-extinguishing substances
- outfits and support equipment
- fire-safe and explosion-proof equipment
- fire-proof materials and structures
- fire-fighting systems and equipment
- design, installation and maintenance of fire-control systems
- fire alarm systems
- medical supplies and bandaging materials
- first-aid and rehabilitation
- machines, technologies and equipment for preventing accidents and disasters and eliminating their consequences
- Traffic safety:
- equipment for traffic safety control and surveillance
- systems of driver's and passengers` security
- parking equipment
- means of controlling the state of pavement
- means of road traffic management
- car examination, obligatory inspection, professional training
- Information: security engineering and technology:
- unified threat management systems
- Internet security
- anti-virus software
- smartcards
- instant messaging security
- security of IP telephony
- safe data storage systems
- encryption, PKI (public key infrastructure)
- personal data protection
- corporate electronic data management
- computer incident investigation
- intrvsion detection and prevention
- identification and access management
- firewalls
- biometric systems
- intelligent card systems
- security of wireless systems
- tools for searching confinement channels
- tools for protecting information against leakages through different channels
- computer equipment protection tools
- special technical devices
- risk and vulnerability assessment
- certification
- training
- security of the electronic document flow