Venue: VDNH
Salon Goal - is to ensure effective cooperation between authorities and product developers in the field of security with the aim of advancement of modern technologies on the Russian market of security systems and equipment.
Objectives Salon:
- To demonstrate the implementation of Federal target programs in the field of security
- To identify the main directions of activities of Federal Executive bodies in the field of security
- To stimulate the introduction of new domestic technologies and developments in the field of security
- To provide an opportunity for direct dialogue between representatives of Federal Executive authorities and the security industry to enhance the implementation of Federal target programs in the field of security
Exhibition Sections:
Fire Protection:
- Fire fighting equipment:
- systems, facilities and devices of fire-fighting automation
- fire protection equipment: fire fighting cabinets, fire hoses, fire hydrant, fire-hose barrels and other fire fighting equipment
- fire-proof and explosion-proof equipment
- water-foam fire equipment
- special fire fighting equipment
- fire fighting technical hardware: fire tank trucks, rescue vehicles, fire fighting pumping facilities, emergency vehicles, command vehicles, foam and powder firefighting vehicles, smoke removal vehicles, fire motor ladders, communication and warning vehicles
- fire fighting aviation (planes, helicopters)
- equipment for fighting fires for oil gushers and gas blowoutв, in cable subways and ducts, in high-rise buildings, in undeground subway facilities, in liquefied hydrocarbon gas processing and storage facilities, in railway transport rolling stock
- robotics
- Fire-fighting means and fire resisting materials
- fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing materials
- fire proofed materials; constructions; coatings
- means of protection and work safety of firemen
- means of fire localization
- smoke removal systems for emergency exit routes during fire
- fire-fighting instrument and и equipment for firemen
- control equipment of levels of smoke polution, temperatures, radioactivity, no motion sensors
- Automatic control system, Information and monitoring systems, systems and means of communication:
- complex automatic information systems: videoconferencing systems, multiuser information display facilities of high information capacity, complex support systems, congress systems, video cameras, sensors, fiimware systems
- means of radio communication, relay and tropospheric, space and wire communicaton systems
- automatic control system systems and facilities
- Fire and intruder alarm systems, warning systems:
- fire and intruder alarm boxes (sensors)
- control and indicating equipment
- control and indicating panels
- relay and switching units
- interface units
- central control stations
- soft ware
- annunciators (light, sound, combined, voice warning systems)
- warning and evacuation control systems
- radio PA systems
- intruder alarm systems (radio frequency systems, IR systems, capacitive systems, vibration systemsы, wire-radio wave systems, seismic facilities)
- reinforced barbed wire
- magnetometric systems
- break off systems
- Means of evacuation and rescue in case of fires:
- rope lowering facilities
- вair bags
- slide fire escape hoses
- hang-on ladders
- hanging platforms
- gas masks, respirators and safety hoods
- medical equipment for emergency medical aid
- Design, construction, manufacture, certification, operation of systems and facilities for fire prevention and fire fighting
- Technological normative and legal documentation of object fire control conditions and means of control and monitoring
- Disposal and recovery of used systems and means of fire fighting
- Education and training, investment projects
- Scientific and technological achievements in the field of fire safety
Resque equipment:
- Reconnaissance means and facilities: radiation, chemical, bacteriological, engineering
- Means for seach and rescue work:
- victim search devices
- rescue tools and equipment
- auxiliary tools and equipment
- means of rescue for search-and-rescue work athigh rise objects
- underwater rescue means
- Transport vehicles:
- aviation transport
- motor vehicles and motorcycles
- salvage and rescue vessels
- Means of engineer support:
- robotic tools and equipment
- obstacle crossing engineer vehicles
- wrecking and takedown vehicles
- earth-moving machines
- operational hydraulic equipment
- power supply facilities
- Survival facilities:
- pre-fabricated facilities (tents, boxes, modules)
- air heaters
- water supply equipment
- Means of personal protection:
- respirators
- self-rescue apparatus and gas maks
- protective clothing
- Communication and warning facilities:
- radio stations of strategic and operative communication
- mobile phones
- means of loud-speaking communication
- Monitoring and predictionnof emergencies
- Emergency training technique for specialists and population
- Mines & tunnels safety
Security and protection equipment:
- Video surveillance:
- analog video equipment:
- visual processing and video recording equipment
- wire analog signal receive and transmit equipment
- video cameras
- analog surveillance monitors
- objectives
- hardware for installation and fixation of video cameras and other equipment:
- guard hoods
- brackets and rotating units
- video cameras and rotating units control devices
- digital video equipment:
- network video cameras
- video servers
- add-on equipment and accessories for digital video equipment
- video capture cards, software and add-on equipment sets
- input video board for PC
- DVR digital video recorder
- CCTV software:
- Access control systems:
- ACS add-on equipment
- access identifiers, printers, expendables:
- accessories and expendable materials for card printers
- identifiers
- plactic card printers
- accessories for plastic cards
- ACS execution units:
- gates and gate automatics
- door closers
- add-on equipment for execution units
- locks
- pass doors
- fencing
- turnstiles
- automatic barriers
- ACS controllers:
- autonomous controllers
- network ACS controllers and controllers connected to PC
- identification facilities:
- biometric readers
- proximity-identifiers readers
- contct and IR readers
- ACS software
- Fire protection systems (FPS):
- FPS devices and equipment
- technical means of warning and PA systems in buildings
- FPS software
- Auxillary equipment:
- measuring devices
- power supply sources
- computers and components
- expendable materials
- device matching units (adapters, interfaces)
- Engineer technical means of protection:
- pass doors
- fencing
- turnstiles
- automatic barriers
- gates and gate automatics
Transport safety and security:
- Technical means for prevention of terrorism and antiterrorism protection
- Transport terminal security systems
- Systems of organization of transport of dangerous goods, oversized and heavy-weight cargo
- Security systems for viaducts (roads and railways, bridges, tunnels) and pipelines
- Traffic control and security systems, urban public transport security
- Special transport vehicles
- Equipment for technical check-up
- Autodrome technical equipment
- Aviation security systems
- Railway security systems
- Technical safety of high-speed transport
- Airports, railway station, sea and river ports
- Traffic control
- Protection of transport infrastructure facilities
- Educational institutions, пункты retraining and advance training of specialistsinthe field of transport security
Defence & Protection:
- Means of active defence:
- small fire arms
- ammunition
- Means of personal armored protection, outfit, accoutrements:
- means of personal armored protection
- clothing allowance for power structures
- survival and rescue equipment
- Military technical equipment:
- tanks and vehicles
- naval armaments and technical equipment
- technical equipment and means of NBC protection
- engineer facilities and equipment
- aviation:
- airplanes
- helicopters
- airborne vehicles
- technical means of aerial reconnaissance, data processing systems
- parachutes
- means of landing of armaments, vehicles, loads
- Shooting ground equipment, simulators, training equipment and aids
- Technical facilities for operative activities:
- technical facilities for visual surveillance and registration
- technical facilities for secret interception and registration of voice messages
- systems for enhancing voice intelligibility
- means of explosive device detection and disposal
- criminalistic equipment
- sytems and methods ofpersonal monitoring
- means of detection of radioactive materials
- drugs detectors
- hollow detectors
- means of inaccessible objects size detection
- weapon and metal detectors
- systems for detection of optical devices
- special optics, systems for target designation and indication
- robotic complexes and systems
- signal and warning equipment
- miscellaneous equipment for operative and investigative work
- Customs and inspection equipment:
- metal detectors
- torches-searchlights
- videoscopes
- technical endoscopes
- customs and inspection mirrors
- tv X-ray complexes
- explosive vapor detectors
- grug detectors
- night vision devices
- dosimeters
- thermal imagers
- infrared imaging systems
- Criminalistic technical equipment:
- documents authenticity identification systems and banknote detectors
- crime scene examination and exhibits packing facilities
- technical equipment for laboratory research
- computerized complexes for criminalistic research
- dactyloscopic and identification systems
- criminalistic phonology, polygraphs
- analytical equipment
- chemical agents
- Technical intelligence counteraction
- Technical means for operative activities
- Special transport vehicles:
- vehicles for law-enforcement bodies and cash collection services
- business class armored vehicles
- patrol boats
- mobile criminalistic laboratories
- vehicle flashlight and siren alarm equipment
- Systems and facilities ensuring traffic safety:
- technical equipment for traffic regulation and control
- navigation and geodesic systems and equipment
- systems for monitoring and control of transport facilities
- road signs
- passage blockirators
Industrial safety:
- Normative legal base of government control and surveillance, certification, testing, assessment in the field of equipment's industrial safety
- Anticorrosion protection
- Recovery, storage, transportation of inflammable, toxic and high-toxic substances
- NDT systems and facilities
- Industrial ecology
- Technical diagnosis and examination of the equipment wear-out
- Test facilities and equipment
- Special means of protection from hazardous industrial factors, devices for dust and gas, humidity, temperature, radiation, E-field radiation control
- Systems and means of air conditioning and air-cleaning, thermoregulation, noise, radiation and electromagnetic protection o of various buildings and industrial facilities
- Certification and survey of workplaces for labor safety conditions
- Sanitary conditions, ergonomics, medical care in industry
- Protection, working clothes and uniform, industrial and labor safety instructions, instructional wall sheets and signs, special literature and editions
- High-strength and wear-resistant materials, used in hostile and hazardous environment
- Labour protection management and control systems for industrial enterprises, personnel professional training and retraining, personnel certification
- Insurance of industrial risks
Border security:
- Тechnical means and facilities for border protection
- Coast guard vessels
- Тechnical means and facilities for border control
- Complexes of technical safety ensuring means and life support systems for border security agencies and their units
- Armaments and personalmeans of protection
- Systems and facilities of aerospace surveillance
- Wheeled and caterpillar vehicles
- Technical means and facilities for customs inspection
Nuclear and radiation safety:
- System of ensuring nuclear and radiation safety (NRS):
- national system of NRS in Russia
- legal and industrial NRS standards
- NRS licensing
- Nuclear and radiation safety in nuclear power plants:
- safety operation of nuclear power plants
- nuclear power plants and environment
- hanling radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel on nuclear power plants
- NRS in nuclear fuel cycle enterprises:
- safety in uranium mining and enrichment
- safety in production of nuclear fuel
- safety in the process of handling spent nuclear fuel, storage, processing, utilization
- safety in the process of handling radioactive waste: storage, processing
- Safety in transportation of radioactive materials:
- shipping packages, containers
- methods of transportation
- systems of transport support and safekeeping of radioactive cargo
- Equipment and devices for NRS:
- radiation-survey instruments (dosimetric,spectrometric, radiometric)
- special materials
- filters
- Rescue service and eliminationof emergencies:
- system of emergency response
- remote and robotic service systems
- Measures for implementation of Federal Task program "Securing Nuclear and Radiation Safety":
- construction and renovation of nuclear facilities
- decommissioning of nuclear facilities, area rrhabilitation
- Physical safetyof nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities
- Medicine, furthering safety of population:
- medical applications of radiation technologies
- special medical equipment
- manufacture of radio-pharmaceuticals and radioisotopes
- rehabilitation medicine
- Systems of education, professional training, certification and advanced training
- Informing procedures
Information technologies:
- Automatic control systems, information systems, complexes and means of communication:
- radio stations
- receive/transmit equipment
- radio-relay station
- tropospheric stations
- space communication stations
- cross commutation equipment, devices and remote control units
- rado communication equipment rooms
- telephone communication equipment rooms
- telegraphic communication equipment rooms
- channeling equipment rooms
- equipment rooms for automatic control systems and information systems
- equipment rooms for power supply units
- operation Command Vehicles
- equipment for fiber-optic telecommunication
- automatic telephone systems
- systems and equipment for mobile cell communication
- scrambling automatic systems and equipment
- cryptographic hardware
- message switching centers for telecommunicaton and protected communication
- data-communication equipment
- time-dividing (time-division) channeling systems
- digital data-communication systems
- radio receivers
- phone sets for automatic open communication
- special and field telephones
- communication and power supply cables
- charging units
- chemical sources of electrical energy
- power stations
- control and diagnostic devices and instruments
- technical means of protection
- automatic jamming stations
- complexes of portable jamming transmitters
- complex automatic information systems
- personal computers
- software
- information electronic indicator boards
- equipment for automation equipped working places for control stations staff personnel
- technical systems of military facilities protection
- mobile systems; Internet services
- Systems and means of information protection:
- information protection and means of communication security:
- devices for protection of audio information
- cable route protection systems
- scramblers, means of cryptographic information protection
- Technical means of search for information leakage channels:
- information security:
- protection of computer networks
- unauthorized access protection
- data storage and control
- equipment for urgent information destruction
- detection of computer attacks
- antivirus software
- protected Internet-technologies
- identitifying centres
- protected EDM
- internetwork screens
- VPN-сsystems
- mechanical computer protection
- polygraphs
- biometric systems of information protection:
- dactylographic electronic systems
- metrologic photoelectronic systems
- identification systems
- access control systems
- access control systems for PC and networks, plastic cards
- hardwzare and software
- information security training, consulting and audit services
Environmental safety:
- Envioronmental monitoring, environmental control and research
- Atmosphere protection:
- оequipment and technical means of protection of atmospheric air from pollution
- industrial ventilation and air conditioning
- air cleaning filters
- air quality monitoring
- control equipment and technique of its application in testing technical state of transportation means; toxicity and smoking of exhaust standards
- gas analyzers
- neutralizers
- equipment for improving fuels and lubricants quality
- pollution-free engines
- atmosphere protection from industrial waste
- systems and equipment for cleaning gas blowouts; waste-water treatment; gas vent noise supressors
- vibration isolators for technological equipment
- Hydrosphere protection:
- equipment and technologies for waste water treatment, industrial water conditioning, water supply and water removal
- design and construction of sewage disposal plants
- plumbing systems
- pipes, pumps, fittings
- water filtration
- membrane technologies
- equipment and technique for waste water treatment
- equipment for mechanical waste water treatment
- chemical agents and technique of chemical waste water treatment
- technique of biological treatment of sewage water
- technique of physicochemical treatment of sewage water
- exploration and production of potable ecologically clean water
- equipment for water purification
- methods of oil pollution elimination
- hydrosphere protection from industrial waste
- hydrosphere protection from household, food and urban waste
- hydrosphere protection from rural waste
- facilities for treatment of surface waste water to standards needed for discharge to fishery water basins
- Ecotoxicology:
- instruments and equipment for protection of environment toxicologic factors
- measuring devices
- neutralization devices
- Ecological problems of oil and gas industry:
- equipment for elimination of oil pollution, discharges, oil waste products
- transportation of oil (oil products, waste)
- oil refining
- oil products recycling
- oil production and petrochemical industry
- gas treatment facilities and equipment
- Ecological safety in industry:
- instruments and equipment for ecological safety of industrial enterprises
- chemical and petrochemical industry waste treatment
- solid waste treatment in metallurgical industry
- thermal power plant fuel gas treatment
- waste water treatment
- radiological safety
- treatment of gaseous discharge in atmosphere
- special means of protection for personnell working in industrial enterprises: gas masks, goggles, gloves, protectionand special clothes
- ecological certificationof industrial enterprises
- Waste treatment:
- equipment and technologies for по collection, recycling, transportation, utilization, neutralization and burial of consumption and processing waste
- waste disposal and transportation
- waste disposal systems and equipment for refuse chutes
- manufacture of puck makers, presses, crushing machines
- mechanical methods of liquid waste treatment
- hydromechanical wastewater mud dewatering
- wastewater mud filtering
- centrifugal sludge screening
- mechanical treatment of solid waste
- physicochemical base for waste treatment and utilization
- wastewater mud reagent treatment
- physicochemica methods of components extraction from waste and refuse
- enrichment during solid waste recuperation
- thermal methods of waste treatment
- thermal methods of mineralized drains neutrlization
- thermal methods of wastewater mud conditioning
- wet/moist material drying
- solid waste thermochemical treatment
- technical means for removal and utilization of domestic and industrial waste
- Innovative reseach in the sphere of environmental protection:
- transition to alternative energy sources
- flood protection for various objects and facilities
- technologies of decontamitation in case of oil and oil products water polutionfor
- soil protection innovative technologies
- equipment for ecological monitoring
- innovative technologies in the field of water treatment
- innovative technologies in the field of air cleaning
- innovative technologies in the field of waste control
- innovative technologies in the field of industrial enterprises safety
- Environment monitoring and restoration:
- elimination of flood consequences
- control equipment for measuring environment parameters
- geological survey of catastrophe and emergency regions
- monitoring and prevention of ecological catastrophe
- monitoring of seismic dangerous zones
- methods of evaluation of territory geoecological risk levels
- methods of evaluation and predictio of social and economic consequences of nature and technogeneous catastrophes
- methods and means of control for nature and territrial and industrial systems
- gas analyzers of carburetor and diesel engines exhaust
- gas analyzers for carbon and hydrogen monoxides, sulfur dioxide
- explosive-gas indicators
- instruments for qualitative and quantitative analysis of environmental objects for detection of alpha, beta and gamma emissions
- control equipment of aerosole and heat pollution, vertical temperature profile, wind velocity and direction for nuclear and thermal power plants and hazardous facilities
- meteo service for sea ports, water areas and aviation. Meteo forecast equipment
- equipments and instruments for high-precision aerial survey
- technologie of territory geoecological monitoring
- chromotographic and spectral laboratories for weed and pest-killer chemicals detection
- dosimetric and radiometer instruments
- mobile environmental control laboratories
- ecology of fuel-energy complex
- wind-driven power plants
- bioenergetic power plants
- ecological safety of transport-road complex
- anti-toxic systems of engine control, catalyzers
- up-to-date pollution free vehicles
- ecologically pure fuels
- municipal ecology
Disaster medicine:
- Means of immobilization and evacuationof victims, emergency medicine instruments and equipment
- Emergency mediine equipment and drugs
- Means of therapy and prophylaxis
- Mobile medical laboratories and hospitals
- Special medical vehicles
- Medical sets for emergencies and first aid
- Special medical furniture - collapsible and convertible
- Dignostics systems and systems of first aid
- Emergency aid training services and information training materials
- Medices and drugs
- Rehabilitation and health protection