Exhibition Sections
Security Means:
- means of individual protection
- complex systems of protection and signal system
- security, detective, legal services
- means of technical protection of objects
- means of technical control
- means for struggle with terrorism and mass disorders
- means of information security
- special transport
- system of protection of value transit
- police weapon, ammunition
- ammunition and equipment: helmets, uniform
- information materials of operative communication systems
- optical devices
- engineering of search, detection and identification: explosive substances, metal, weapon, drugs
- detectors, radars, system of examination
- system of protection of the information
Saving engineering and equipment: < /p >
- saving services
- search and rescue special transport
- means of life-support and survival in extreme conditions
- the fire-prevention equipment and fire saving systems
- special automobile and auxiliary engineering
- ammunition and equipment for the fireman and salvors
- means for emergency medical aid
- technology of fire-prevention protection
- systems of emergency illumination
- alarm means
- the disturbing signal system of all types
- means of individual protection
- controlling, measuring equipment and detectors
- training