IX Урало-Сибирский конгресс по эстетической медицине и профессиональная выставка косметики и оборудования - 2025
Металлобработка. Металлургия - 2025

Foreign Real Estate Shop - 2006

Attention! The event is over.

Specialized Exhibition

Date: 13.10.2006 - 15.10.2006 

City: Saint-Petersburg - information about city

Holder: "Forum "Real Estate Fair", Ltd.

Topic: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety


Organizers of the project "Foreign Real property Showroom" invite to participate in the project companies selling and renting real property abroad, as well as companies providing professional advice on proper ways of buying, renting and managing real property in different countries, and on the most beneficial ways of investment and crediting.

"Foreign Real property Showroom" exhibition is located in the VIP-center of the Ice palace (separate entrance from the street and additional entrance - from the Real property fair exhibition).

An advertising campaign of "Foreign Real property Showroom" exhibition has been arranged considering interests of potential buyers of foreign real property, and has been a part of the general wide-scale advertising campaign "Real property Fair".

All participants of the Showroom will be advertised in the official edition of the exhibition "Real Property Market Guide" ("participants` catalogue" section) that will be distributed free of charge at the exhibition, and in 65 RF regions.

Supply geography: Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Canary Isles, Caribbean Isles, Cyprus, Latvia, Libya, UAE, Seychelles, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Finland, Croatia, Montenegro, Czechia, South Africa.

The Showroom business program includes:

  • Consultations on real property transactions in various countries
  • Seminars on terms of purchase, rent and lease of real property abroad
  • Presentations of the most popular investment directions and facilities 5
  • Information on credit programs for nonresident buyers
  • Coverage of the foreign real property market by all mass media

Exhibition Sections:

  • Resort real property
  • Flats and apartments in cities
  • Real estate in the country
  • Investment facilities
  • Exclusive facilities and projects
  • Commercial real property and "ready-made business"

Additional information:
