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Energy and resources economy in building, the housing and communal complex - 2004

Attention! The event is over.

All-Russia scientific-practical conference

Date: 20.10.2004 - 21.10.2004 

City: Yaroslavl - information about city

Holder: IAC TPP-Interproject

Topics: Business, Economics, Finances, Safety, Municipal Management, Industrial Exhibitions


Venue: "Neftyanik" house of culture (Moskovskiy pr., 92).

Conference program

  1. State and regional energy and resource saving politics.
    • Energy and resource saving politics in building and housing and communal services.
    • Fuel and energy resources prices and taxes. State control strengthening
    • Housing and communal services reformation strategy in Central Federation District
    • Energy saving polytics in Verkhne-Volzhskiy region
    • New points of view of energy and resource saving in housing and communal services of Yaroslavl region in the light of new technologies development
    • Energy and resource saving in housing and communal services works (regions experience)
    • Complex energy and resource saving programs (regions experience)
  2. Federal and regional normative base.
    • Construction and housing and communal services legislation perfection. Normative and legal substantiation and ensuring
  3. Building production federal and regional normality control.
    • Technical condition analysis and technical installations lifetime estimating
    • Organization and legal aspects in energetics inspections
    • Complex energy audit
    • Energy and resource saving gaging tools standardization in building and housing and communal services
  4. New energy-saving technologies and methods in building and housing and communal services. Energy-saving architectural solutions.
    • Ways of town energy supply systems optimization
    • New highly economic heat transporting methods and prospectives of theirs using in housing and communal services
    • Complex energy saving programs realization
    • Advanced energy-effective technologies in housing and communal energetics
    • Industrial and domestic wastes as alternative energy source
  5. Heat supply systems and theirs energy effectiveness.

Also in schedule: plenary sessions, round-table discussions.


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