SIFT - 2025
SIFT - 2025

SelKhozProdMash - 2010

Attention! The event is over.

17th All-Russia Exhibition

Date: 27.10.2010 - 30.10.2010 

City: Nizhny Novgorod - information about city

Holder: Nizhni Novgorod fair

Topic: Agriculture, Food Industry


Venue: Exhibition Complex "Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka"

Exhibition Sections:

Agricultural engineering - "Agrotechsalon - 2010":

  • Farming machines for tillage, harvesting, sowing and mowing
  • Equipment for harvesting crops, transportation and storage of agricultural products
  • Equipment for repairs and maintenance of agricultural machinery

"Processing of agricultural products":

  • Machines, equipment and technologies for the industrial processing of meat and fowl - from getting raw meat to producing foods ready for selling
  • Milk, technologies of its production and industrial processing, packaging and selling of ready dairy and lactiferous products
  • Certification of the products (including that on a voluntary basis), transportation, storage, stuff for industrial cleaning of premises, special clothes
  • Equipment and technologies for the processing of fruits and vegetables, mini-factories (milk plants, meat-processing shops, bakeries); mill and elevator equipment; separators, lines of pouring out food liquids; automatic and semi-automatic devices for pre-packing and packing viscous and free-flowing products, labeling machines; containers for pouring and packing liquid products, sausage casings

"Chemistry in agriculture":

  • Mineral fertilizers
  • Chemical preparations for the plant protection from diseases, pests and weeds
  • Extra-nutrition for the livestock

"Russian foods - 2010":

  • Bread and bakery goods, milk, meat, oil, fish, vegetables, preserved foods, confectionery
  • Groceries, fruits
  • Ingredients, spices, kitchen herbs, dyestuff for meat-processing, cheese-making and dairy industries, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, wines, beer

Additional information:
