Venue: Exhibition Park
Exhibition Sections:
- Farm machinery and equipment
- Agricultural technology and plant growing, agro-chemistry of Agro-industrial Complex
- Automobiles, tractors, OEM components, aggregates, materials and spares
- Rent and lease of technique and equipment
- Agricultural processing (mini workshops, mini plants)
- Zooculture (cattle breeding and aviculture technologies)
- Greenery, granary, elevators
- Refrigerators, driers
- Agronomy, agriculture technologies, grain-growing
- Vegeculture
- Fodder, mineral supplements, biologies, premix
- Agricultural production (grain, grits, flour, vegetables, fruit, meet, eggs)
- Production of processing and food industry enterprises
- Alcohol and soft drinks
- Healthy eating (dietary and natural food)
- Packing, refrigerating, storage and retail equipment
- Beekeeping (apiculture)
- Glass-grown household
Country house, cottage:
- Cottages, country houses, yard constructions
- Constructional and home decoration materials
- Landscape design and architecture
- Cane furniture
- Baths, saunas, stoves, mantelpieces, chargills
- Interior elements
- Progressive energy-saving technologies in Agro-industrial Complex
Yard. Garden:
- Yard. Garden
- Fertilizers, plant growing stimulants
- Seeds, transplant seedling, transplanted plants
- Gardening equipment, stock
- Pumps, hose tubes, pools
- Summer cottage aesthetics
- Floriculture
- Safety products from vermin and pesticide
- Garden wear, boots, gloves, face mask, glasses